Chapter 2

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Getting back to the first row, I scan the seats for the familiar blond. After a few more minutes of searching, I find Crystal near the middle of the row, right across from the stage.

"Excuse me, pardon," I say as I try squeezing pass through a pair of overly happy young girls. They were holding massively large neon posters saying: 'Harry give me your gravy!' And 'Niall I want your lucky charms!' I can't help but to roll my eyes when I see that one of them is holding a double D sized bra decorated with four leaf clovers.

"Beth! Over heeeere!" Chris yells, but it comes out more like a whisper over the thousands of screaming fans. Once in my seat, I lean over to my right and ask her when the shows actually going to start. It's been at least an hour or so and still no music. Good to know that I wasted my Friday night. She responds with a quick 'soon' then goes back to jumping around.

Sighing, I lean back in my seat and wait for the time to pass. After a few minutes, I switch positions and lay my head on my hand. I start shaking my leg, my impatience showing. Suddenly the screeching got louder - if that's even possible, a spot light turns on and five boys appeared from the back curtains.

"Hello! How are all you guys doing tonight? Are you ready to have a blast?" A boy with curly hair said.

"I LOVE YOU HARRY!" Yelled a girl behind me making my ear drums explode in the process. Rubbing my poor aching ears, I focus back to the guy I now know is called Harry.

"Are you sure? We can't hear you very clearly!" Said another one cupping his ear. He had brown hair, styled in a messy, side-swept manner, that stuck up in different directions. His sea green eyes were crinkling from his wide grin.

"YES!" yelled everybody but me. 3 more guys stepped up from behind them. One had his jet black hair in a quiff, complimenting his olive skin. His golden brown eyes scanned the arena as girls continued screaming. Another had blond hair, with brown roots showing. He smiled at the stadium, ravealing his clear braces. His blue eyes looked around before adverting his attention to his right.

I followed his gaze and once I saw him, I felt my heart skip a beat. He was far from the others, all the way to the right and I felt stupid for not noticing him sooner. I leaned forward and continued to gawk at him. Smiling, he holds the mic to his mouth and tells someone to start the music. He starts tapping his shoes to the beat and bobbing his head. Then he started singing.

His voice. It's so melodic. The way his muscles flexed when he was holding the mic was intoxicating. The way his perfect lips twitched when hitting the notes perfectly was overwhelming. Everything about him was phenomenal: his chestnut hair that seemed so soft and touchable, the deep chocolate brown of his eyes, his strong, almost statute like figure, his soothing angelic voice....

I felt the back of my throat vibrating in delight.

"Are you growling?" Crystal asked confused.


"You were! Weren't you?" She said grinning. Oh crap.

"What's his name? I asked, changing the subject.

"Who him?" She asked pointing to the Greek god. "That's Liam Payne."

"Liam Payne?" I echoed. Why did that name sound so...right? Just saying it gave me goosebumps. I've been paying so much attention on Liam, I just realized that 2 songs already finished.

Staring back at him, I watched his lips move as he sang his part. As if sensing my stares, he looks at me and we locked eyes. Everything stops. The hollering coming from the thousands of fans went abruptly quiet, as if we were the only people in the stadium. The only sound was the rhythmic pattern of Liam's heart beat. Everyone was gone-blurred out. I felt a warm sensation in the pit of my stomach and before I knew it, Chris is yanking on my arm. "Beth, what are you doing? Sit back down!" The loud noises come back and Liam and I aren't alone anymore. I sit back down, embarrassed.

The music was playing but Liam wasn't singing. Everyone was looking around confused before Harry, I think it was, held his mic and started singing Liam's part. The blond boy started shaking Liam, waking him from the trance. Shaking his head, he continues singing and jumping as if nothing happened. It might of been a second or so, but that's all it took for me to know. My mate...I can't believe it.

I found my mate.

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