Chapter 3

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??? P.O.V

We walk through the back of the store it honestly look like a jungle. I was still holding onto Fell arm. Everyone was just walking in silence. The girl named Ruby was leading us. Then we reach a the end of the hallway there was a wall cover by vines. Ruby move the vines out of her way and there was a green button she press it.

Nothing happen but after a few seconds of waiting a door open like an elevator. We all went inside Ruby press some buttons the door close. We all sighed of relief." You guys can now take of those cloaks give them to me and I will put them away." Ruby said we all took of our cloaks and handed it to her. Fell was also wearing a cloak he doesn't wear it all the time but wears it when we are in public.

Reaper was the only one that didn't handed her anything he had a his own cloak is his style of clothes so he doesn't need to hide. Since his clothes can hide who he is. He was right back corner on his phone he was floating a bit of ground. He floats no matter what so is normal now. He had a black cloak instead of a gray cloak we honestly didn't care if he ahaf a different color than the rest of us. The only thing we all have in common is that we are all white skeletons.

Reaper had a long black cloak behind him. A small rope tied around his neck, keeping the rope from undoing itself there was a mini gaster blaster. His hood was casting a shadow over his glowing white eyes that will give you shivers. He was the tallest out of all of us.Ink was on the other corner looking a bit impatient and pale. Pretty sure he wants to get his vials we all know he has no soul and needs vails to feel emotions.

Ink had a long brown scarf that led down the floor and his brown shoes. He was wearing a shirt with tan sleeved and a black torso, along with black sleeves, that went all the way up his hands. He had a blue hoodie wrapped around his waist and brown shorts underneath. As well with black pants that went a little above his ankles. A large paint brush behind and a brown thing wrap around him where his vials are at but they are empty. His eyes kept changing shape and colors. He is a bit taller than me.

Ink also had a splat of ink on his cheekbone but is cover by make-up anyone that has a mark on there faces and it can't be taken of, then we put make-up over it.

Now I wonder how it feels like to have no emotion it must be bad since Ink doesn't like it. In the front left corner Cross and Dream seem to be talking about something serious by the look in there face. Cross was basically wearing just black and white. He was slightly taller than Ink. His right eye was red, his left eye was white, there was a little red scar under his right eye but right now is cover by the make-up. He was wearing a fluffy white sweater unzipped, a simple black sweater underneath. Over the top was two white strips of fabric over his chest making an 'X' shape. As well as black basketball shorts with white X's on the side. A black and white scarf as well of white shoes.

Dream was wearing a golden robe that went to his waist, a round red orb with a white star is holding it against his chest. As well a blue shirt with white outline on, a golden belt around his waist. As well as a darker blue of pants and golden boots. Dream had golden eyes he could control them to make them into a dull golden color if he wants to. Lust and Ruby was on the other corner Ruby was laughing.

Lust was wearing a purple shirt hoodie with blue fluff, there was a black shirt with a blue heart in the middle underneath. He also had a match pair of pants that went down his ankles as well as blue boots, below his ankles. His pupils were purple hearts.

"Blue what ya thinking?" Fell poke my bonecheek. Me and Fell had been dating for awhile so the people in our group of the Unknowns don't care. My friends are fine with us dating but they say that they don't feel like we should be dating but I don't care.

"Nothing really!" He just smile at me and patted my head. I was wearing a gray shirt as well a blue scarf tied around his neck. As well of black pants and blue boots. Oh! I even have blue eyes. The elevator stop then the doors open. We all step out of the elevator.

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