Chapter Three: Eaten Away

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Bendy stayed with the angel, feeling safe and calmer now that he and her were alone. Though he was still being hit with emotions. His left hand stung even now, and he was sure that the angel's face was hurting too. 

"Alice...?" he spoke quietly. 

The angel had the bad side of her face out of his sight. "...Yes?"

Bendy sat up a little, cringing a little from his weakened leg. "Do you think... That we can get back home someday? Or do you think it's all gone?"

Alice sat up a little as well, and turned her face towards him. "Bendy, whatever that was, it ate away everything..." her eye looked down at Bendy's bad hand and studied it. "...Is that why you threw a tantrum...?"

Bendy tucked that arm into his chest, crossing his arms. "Yeah." He was a little embarrassed. The other side of his mouth felt stiff with a forced smile, yet when he moved and touched it a small spike of pain shot through that side of his face, similar to a toothache. 

Alice moved one of her hands to touch his horns, making the devil shiver lightly and move a little closer against her. "I think we'll be okay... They're working to stop it, so no other place gets consumed..."

Bendy opened his pie cut eye. "Do you know how long it has been going on?" he asked curiously, voice soft. "I don't think the cat told me much... He just wanted to inspect me..."

The angel moved a little to lean herself against her hand, elbow creased to hold herself up.

The devil darling sighed quietly. "...I know I shouldn't have acted that way. But you know how I get when- when these kinds of things show." He inspected it with slight disgust. "...Do you think a glove could cover it?" he murmured.

Alice shook her head stiffly. "Not unless you want to have different sized hands..."

Bendy partially frowned. "But I don't want people to see it..."

"I don't want people seeing my face either, Bendy. But I can't exactly cover up my face, now can I?" the angel moved her other hand to caress her favorite devil's horns. The demon squirmed lightly before moving a little closer. 

"That's true..." Both sides of their faces were stiff, in pain, and downright awful to look at. Bendy moved a hand and slowly smeared the ink down over his mouth, covering most of the forcefully stretched smile from outsiders. But Alice didn't have much of a way to conceal the side of her face besides her hair. And he doubted the hair would conceal her face very well. "Hm... Does this look better?" he asked, lifting his face up for her to see."

Alice looked at it and smiled a weak smile. "Yes... It looks just fine to me."

Bendy's right cheek tinted a light hue. "Thanks Angel."

The angel nodded, still petting a horn, knowing that was a fast way to calm him down even more. And it was also an occasional trigger for a small cute reaction. 

As if on cue, the demon made a noise. The wounds were still stinging and painful. He sat up to a knock on the door. "Hm?"

Alice glanced up as well.

The rabbit and cat were standing in the doorway. The cat, Felix, glanced at Bendy with an apologetic expression.

Oswald peeped up. "Hey you two... How are you feeling now?"

The demon didn't respond, but the angel did. It looked strange seeing the ruined side of her jaw move, the melted skin peeling a little to talk. 

"We're fine."

The rabbit smiled a very, very small smile. It was a difficult one to notice. "That's good. If there's ever something you need, someone around here will help."

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