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The big meeting hall was bright and full of chatter as we made our way around small groups of gathered people scattered throughout the room. The glass windows and doors overlooking the clearing were wide open, letting the crisp, fresh air carrying scents of the woodland and summer night inside. Looking around I could see both familiar and unfamiliar faces everywhere as wolves from different packs mingled, some catching up with old friends and others seeking good candidates for potential mates judging by the somewhat suggestive body language and flirtatious looks being thrown about. The sidled glances I kept receiving as we edged around the room reminded me that I must look awful after my fall in the mud earlier. "Great." I sighed under my breath, running my hands through my hair and pulling it over my shoulder in an attempt to hide a fraction of the damage.

Still following Tessa and Josh, I pushed through the crush of bodies as more people filed in from outside until reaching a slightly more secluded corner of the room, still near enough to where our Alpha would likely give his welcoming speech. The annual gathering was held at the territory of a different pack each year and this year our pack had the great honour of hosting it. This, I brooded, no doubt meant permission to leave early would not be granted. I looked over as Gideon, Tessa's shameless admirer, started making his way over to our chosen spot and immediately began fussing over her like a mother hen. Tall and cute with slightly wavy blonde hair, he was attractive and funny in an air-headed kind of way. Despite being a low-ranking wolf, he absolutely adored Tessa and it was no secret he desperately wanted her as his mate. While she basked in Gideon's attention and Josh went to grab us some water, I dumped my jacket next to a distinctly thirsty looking potted plant in the corner and quickly rushed off to the nearest bathroom to try and get the remaining dirt off of my arms and hair.

The sudden quiet of the corridor was a little disconcerting on my ears after the din of the hall. I tiptoed towards the bathroom, the plush carpet masking my footsteps and immediately became somewhat distracted by the artwork hanging in the hallway. I examined the unfamiliar canvases fondly, recognising our Luna's style and reminiscing about all the times I had come to the pack house when I was younger just to watch her paint. It felt like so long ago now. Hushed voices reached my ears just as I finished perusing and passed a room with its door slightly ajar. A man's furious voice rose in volume. Knowing better that to listen into strangers' private conversations, I made to ignore it and move past the commotion when the next words out of one man's mouth stopped my progress and curiosity took a hold. "... you are questioning my authority?" the cold, furious voice sent immediate shivers down my spine.

"N-no of course not. I meant no disrespect!" another man spoke sounding on the verge of a panic attack. "I just wondered if there were perhaps a connection to your pack, as the numbers suggest..." the man trailed off on a gulp. 

"It's not just my pack that's being targeted now though, is it." The same cold, growling tone replied. "He's right." a calmer voice hastily jumped in, the only one I instantly recognised, with surprise, as my Alpha. "There may have been 11 cases at Tobias's pack its true. But it's been occurring elsewhere across the country in the last couple of years and, realistically, could happen anywhere. This year I lost one of my own." A strained silence followed this revelation.

My mind lingered on the name Tobias. It sounded significant and familiar, but I was too busy trying to keep up with the conversation to place it. "But we don't even know if they are being taken." gasped the still flustered voice. "So far, all we know is more and more wolves are becoming uncontrollably aggressive and turning rouge with no known cause or viable explanation."

"Somebody must be controlling them. Rouges don't work in packs and they certainly wouldn't band together like this on their own" Tobias with the deep voice murmured. When it wasn't raised in fury, his husky tones really sounded quite appealing, I noticed vaguely.

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