emotional rescue

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Jealousy the only feeling that can take something nice and turn it to mush. Who was feeling this way me and at who tamra and austin i mean the two were perfect together. Every touch made me angrier and angrier. I didn't realize he would spend only one day with me and the other days not talking to me. We were all in the cafeteria. I and V.E.R.A were sitting as the others were dancing. "You find the best music tamra" austin said and it angered you bit by bit. V.E.R.A stood up and walked towards the others strangely. "What do you think V.E.R.A" parker asked. "The 16 bar" and from there i just blanked out. "Totally" parker said. "How about you yn" tamra asked. "Yeah i have to go walk my dog" i say before getting up. "What dog" trey asked. "Nevermind" i say as i sit back down and while away on my phone. The others dragged V.E.R.Ato dance and dragged me too. I just kept on my phone while they keft shaking me. V.E.R.Awas doing the strangest dance i have ever seen in my life. "It more of a feel thing" was the next thing i heard from tamra. "A feel thing as in an emotional response" V.E.R.A said." You guys stop its just dancing" i say. Tamra must not have heard me because she said " yeah i guess so alyx stop the music". "Music is stopped tamra what else can i help you with" her phone said. "Nothing right now thanks alyx" she said. "This will require additional research" V.E.R.A said. "Did y'all hear a word i said" i said. "Yeah sure sure" trey said. "You know what I'm leaving" i say and walk away from them to wards my next class which is math no harm in being early. V.E.R.A followed seconds after and i saw austin looking our way most likely at V.E.R.A who changed paths to room 0 .
I got a message from V.E.R.A and i left for room 0 . So much for being early.
I got lost in thought on my way there. He doesnt like me. He never did. He was just being nice. If it was  V.E.R.A or tamra there would have been fear evident on him. He would have the most caring eyes staring at them. Love would have been showed. He would have held them close and never let them go. He just pitied me.
As i got there V.E.R.As attitude didnt entirely help.
"Did you crawl here let's go megabyte is attacking global village bank" she said angrily as she rushed us. I dropped my bag like the others. "Global village thats my bank" tamra said. "Mine too and i just deposited the check my grandma gave me for my birthday " trey said. I just kept quiet and walked. "What would megabyte want with the bank" austin asked. "I dont know , how am i supposed to know ,you always expect me to know everything  get moving" she shouted again. "Shes in a mood" i said. "Ok" the others  said baking away onto their pads. i was right infront of mine. "Yn didnt you hear me get moving" i was angry, really angry i just sucked it up and went on my pad first. Before i knew it i was in cyber space. Seconds later the others arrive. "Men whats gotten into V.E.R.A" trey asked. "Good question" austin said. "She said she loves me i mean us thats the important thing right" parker said. I give him a look but he cant see cause I'm in my suit. "Yeah thats it" tamra said smacking parkers head and walking past him. "Something's going on that she's not telling us" tamra said. I shrug." I can hear you you know" V.E.R.A said through the coms. "Ok so why are you acting so un V.E.R.A like" tamra asked.
"I coded a teenage emotion pluggin and installed it into my internal systems alright" V.E.R.A said pissed. "Why" parker asked. "to enhance my emotions i am trying to feel as human as as not humanly possible now get off my back" V.E.R.A said still angry.
"Woah" tamra said. "I told them to tell her it was just dancing but noo they go ahead and do this. No one ever listens to me i swear non of them" i say to myself but everyone heard. I just walk ahead and snob them as much a possible. "How back you dial back those emotions a bit" tamra said.  "Why dont you mind your own business"  V.E.R.A said angrily. "1 -oh V.E.R.A"  i say lowly. I dont think they heard because austin says "hey look let's focus here we'll come in hot and send megadork and his cybergoons running with their tails between their legs". V.E.R.A laughs and says "megadork , you're so funny vector". "V.E.R.A you got to pull it together this is serious" austin says. And V.E.R.A stops laughing and says "you hate me"
Repeatedly and starts getting sad. "We dont hate you V.E.R.A" tamra sighs. "Maybe music will help your mood swing" tamra says. I just continue walking. I honestly didnt hear anything till songs startes playing in my coms. "You okay V.E.R.A" austin asks. "Im fantastic now go stop megadork" V.E.R.A said and now my suspicions are confirmed they dont hate V.E.R.A they hate me. We are soon on our way and get to the battle. To be honest all i heard was lets take then i didn't hear anything again. I just ran to the floor that goes down and stood with them. Getting ready to battle. I just jumped of and started taking out goons. "electrowhip" i shout and it appears and i use it to take out the goon. "Wipeout"  i say as i take out anothei one. I pull out something from my back turned it into a sword and took them out. I used all my emotions to battle them. They couldn't touch me at all. The others were busy doing God knows what meanwhile i was minimizing the opponents drastically. They soon cornered us and blasted at us. "Code disruptor , austin said as the blasted them. "Fry fist" trey said attacking. I just keep slashing. A cyberworm drops in but i could care less. I took a slash at it but it dodged going underground. V.E.R.A was not responding great Austin's most cared about person left us high and dry. We had to stop the worm from getting into the bank's vault was what i could comprehend. They were trying to get V.E.R.A together and i was trying to save our butts great. I summoned my new board. Speed board i called it cause i didn't want to name it zip board like his. It came and i went after the worm. Austin came not so far away. Austin and i charged for the worm . "Hey wormy looks like its the end of the line" austin said as the worm got to a lazer filled hallway. Went through it easily. I and austin went for it and that when the conversation started.
Him: why have you been so quiet lately
Me: oh you noticed wow good job
Him: no time for sarcasm
Me: wow you picked that up i didnt realize you were so great
Him: yn
Me: fine. I know you  like either V.E.R.A or tamra and i know you like people that make you happy. But i have no idea what i did to make you hate me
Him: what
Me: oh now you want to listen. Look you saved me twice you made me fall for you and now you are just ahowing me that i am stupid,dumb,and ugly
If you knew you would do thus why crush me in the process. None of this would have happened if you didnt mislead me i fell for you hard very very hard and lok where it got me.
Him: yn *sympathetically"
Me: you know what forget it lets go catch this worm. we are done with the obstical  so lets move fast.
End of conversation
V.E.R.A was still on it. I was on 35% power so yeah i had to speed things up. We saw it. "Stop right there drill face" austin said. We all then dropped lower. "Oh so you wanna play it that way"he said to the worm. I sliced it in half stopping it and was now leaving. "Sweet" he said. The worm then became two. "Um guys" austin said. "So that didnt work out so well" he said. I turned around and got ready to attack them . Austin was at the center of the two worms he jumped out of the was and one ate the other i was amazed. Then the lasy worm ate itself and now i was awestruck. Then i started to escape. The sentinals retreat and we get back to the others. I dont talk again. "What happened to the worm"trey asked." Not worm worms, you can say we divided and conquered" ausin say but i just get back on the ship ignoring them. We got back to the real world as soon as i got back. I grabbed my bag and ran out. "Yn wait" austin said but i didnt answer. He wanted to chase after me but they stopped him.
The others later apologised but not austin aparently so yeah you can just say school is gonna be stressful now.

REBOOT: THE GUARDIAN CODE AUSTIN X READERWhere stories live. Discover now