Chapter 10

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[Venomstar's POV]

I had to go out to the border with my patrol because the last time, one of my warriors came back scratched up. I could not afford any of my warriors to become ill, especially when I had so many to begin with. I looked behind me to see Robinheart, Weaselsun, and Heronwing following behind me. I had taken the three of them with me because I knew they were all rather strong. If there happened to be a small battle at the border, I needed to know that we could win. 

I already had a strong scent of TideClan warriors when I got close to the border. I knew I was right to leave all the apprentices back at the camp. I flicked my tail to the side for my warriors to spread out. I wanted them to seem hidden to whatever warriors lurked close to the border. I waited until I did not see any of my warriors before stepping up to the border to even see Duskstar. 

I knew the story about him. He was the mate of my sister, and yet he still wanted to pick a fight with my clan. I stepped up to him, the two of us around the same size. He looked like he had more muscles, but he was also older than me. I noticed that he had three warriors with him as well. One of them looked like the perfect mix between my sister and Duskstar. 

"This is TideClan territory. You better get off of it before I make you. You are outnumbered, Venomstar. I doubt that even you, the prodigy of Silverstar, could defeat four warriors and leave unscathed." The leader hissed as he stepped toward me. 

I bristled my fur. He had not actually realized I had brought warriors with me. Good. "This is the territory line that my father and you agreed upon. It would only dishonor his memory if you take back the territory you used to have." I explained keeping my gaze on him. I did not want to seem frightened. 

"That was then, and this is now. We barely have any prey in our territory. We need more prey to feed our warriors. You have less warriors, so you should give up some of your territory to us." The tom began to snarl. I relaxed trying my best not to give the signal early. 

"Then you will have to fight for it. We may have less warriors, but this is our home. You cannot run us out of it as if we did not matter! We have blood in your clan."I pointed out flicking my tail toward the tom who quickly shied away from my recognition of him. 

Duskstar quickly stepped in front of his son and snarled. "Blood does not matter anymore! The Dark Forest rules us all, and now it is every cat for their selves." The dark brown tom hissed before leaping at me. 

I was tackled back into the ground, and he quickly pinned me down. I watched as his other warriors began to come closer. I could no longer give the signal, but I hoped that my warriors would still come to my rescue. 

Warriors: Third Strike: Book Six: Fragment of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now