Chapter 15

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[Summerstripe's POV]

Foxkit would be an apprentice soon. I found it hard to believe he was already so old, but he still had a long time to grow. In a moon, he would be an apprentice, and I could become a warrior again. It almost felt foreign to me again. I would be a warrior in a clan I did not know that well, but I had to stay here for Foxkit. 

I missed my sisters. I had heard news that Roseeyes and Burninghope's kits were doing well, but I had also heard that one of the kits was a little bit unique. I knew with my sisters looking after her, she would be okay, but I really wanted to meet them. 

I turned my head to Blossomsoul. Her two kits would be apprenticed tonight when Venomstar got back. She had taken her break up with hr mate a lot better than I had taken mine. I still wanted revenge for him abandoning me in a clan that I did not know or had family in, but Blossomsoul had been my shoulder to lean on whenever I needed her. 

Venomstar had passed up a phenomenal she-cat for someone else. Even her kits were well behaved and always made sure that Foxkit was included. The three of them had seemed to get along great. I was happy that I had her to talk to, and she always found a way to make me smile. 

"You ready for your kits to become apprentices?" I teased the other female leaning my head against hers. I seemed to crave her affection recently, and I did not know the reason why. Even if I just leaned against her, I always felt better. 

The other shecat gave a laugh and purred back to me, "Not in the slightest. We do not need those two crazy toms running around our forest." She picked on both of her kits. "Not anymore than we need yours running around with them. Those warriors will have a pawful when Foxkit becomes an apprentice as well." 

I purred back to her. At the moment our three kits were playing right outside the den with the apprentices who had not left the camp yet. Venomstar should be back soon, but when he came back, Blossomsoul would move back into the warrior's den leaving me here on my own for a whole moon. I really did not want that to happen yet. I wanted to be able to lay here with her just for a little bit longer. 

"I wonder were Venomstar could be. I thought he was just going on patrol. It has almost been from sunhigh to sunset." Blossomsoul said. Even though she did not care for the leader anymore, I knew she still worried about him. She had liked him since she was an apprentice. Feelings like that were not going to vanish just because he took another mate. 

I licked her ear. "I am sure he will be back soon." I purred before nuzzling my head into her pelt and closing my eyes. 

Warriors: Third Strike: Book Six: Fragment of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now