Chapter 4

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"Seriously, Cheese? A pink cast?"

"It suits you."

He grins as the doctor wraps up his broken arm with the pink fiberglass tape. Dylan let me pick the color. And of course, I had to mess with him just a little bit. Dylan smiles at me and my whole body starts tingling. He turns back to his new cast but my eyes remain on him. A piece of brown hair is falling on his forehead just right. His blue eyes are so focused and his lips are drawn together. He's trying to act tough even though he's clearly in pain right now. God, he's gorgeous. For the first time in a long time... I don't fight my feelings when they come rushing forward. I have a crush on Dylan Lynch. Always have, always will.

"All right. Just keep it in the air like this while it dries."

She makes Dylan hold the excess cloth with his good hand.

"Don't let go. I'll find some scissors."

She exits the room and closes the door, leaving us all alone in the small room. He looks at me and a warm shiver ripples through my body. It feels like old times again. Like it did when it was just me and Dylan. I always felt like I could take over the world when he was by my side.



"This makes us even for the time I pushed you into the river."

I burst out laughing.

"I thought you forgot all about that!"

"I didn't. You were so mad."

"I was."

But he was so cute after. He felt so bad. He picked me flowers and drew me a card. He couldn't stop crying when he gave it to me.

"I still have the card."

"You do?"

Crap. I shouldn't have said that. Now, he's going to think I like him. My mind races to think of something else to say.

"How's your arm?"

"It's actually the tip of my nose that's bothering me. It's itchy. Can you scratch it?"

He looks so pathetic holding his wet cast. I hop off the counter and walk right up to him. God, my heart is beating so fast. I scratch the tip of his nose for him and then our eyes lock. Our bodies move closer as the air in the room charges with...something. He lifts his chin up as I lean down... Just as our lips are about to touch... The door swings open with a bang.

"There you are!"

I leap back across the room with a gasp.


She lunges on me and gives me a crushing hug before her claws come out.

"Why didn't you call?!"

"Our phones broke."

She finally sees Dylan's cast and rushes over.

"What happened?"

Here it comes. I'll never be allowed to drive again.

"I fell off my bike."

My breath catches in my throat as I stare at him.

"Luckily, Louise was driving by and she stopped to help me."

"Oh, thank goodness. When you two didn't return home or call... Dylan's mom and I left to search the hospitals. Your mom is at St. Glory's, Dylan. We were so worried."

She pulls out her phone to tell Dylan's mom that she's found us. Dylan looks at me and I whisper a 'thank you.' He gives me a little wink and it makes my heart do another flip. My mom turns off her phone. She looks at me and then at Dylan. Uh-oh. She's definitely up to something. Brace yourself, Louise.

"Dylan. You should take Louise to the prom!"


"Wouldn't that be fantastic?"

"It would be, Mrs. West, but I already have a date."


"Mom! Jeeze, can you not?"

"I'm going with a girl named Nikki."

Ugh. Just the sound of her name makes me nauseous.

"That's too bad. I always saw you two ending up together."

"Mom! Will you—"

"So did I."

It's only 3 little words... But they nearly take my legs out from under me. My mom gives me a knowing look. It's as if she knew what she was doing the entire time.

"Well, if you're okay, Dylan, I'll let Louise take you home."

She leaves. It's not long before his cast is done and we're back in the car. I still can't believe that he thinks we're going to end up together. Did I hear that wrong? He turns to me when I'm parked in his driveway.

"Can you do me one more favor? Since you—"

"Hit you with my car. Yes, I know. What is it?"

"Can you sign my cast?"

He hands me a Sharpie.

"It's only fitting since you gave it to me."

I grin as I sign my nickname that I'm starting to like again... Cheese.

"I'll see you tomorrow at school?"


He takes my hand and squeezes it. I'm lightheaded as he gets out of the car. I feel tingly and weightless as I watch him walk into his house. He stops at the door and waves to me with a big smile on his blushing face. His words pop back into my head. I had a crush on you... I can't wipe the smile off my face as I drive home. For once, I'm excited for school. But little did I know, it was going to be the most humiliating day of my life..."

A/N- ohhhhhh what do you thinks going to happen?
I guess you won't know until you read the next chapter. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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