Birthday Wishes

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Taron's P.O.V

My dearest Y/N,

The 7th of October.

The birth of Niels Bohr in 1885. The death of Edgar Allan Poe in 1849. The first glimpse of the dark side of the moon for Earth in 1959. The first release of We Will Rock You by Queen in 1977.

The day I met you.

I love acting. It's really the greatest experience to meet people and find new characters to play. But it does get in the way of life sometimes.

I miss a lot of moments and family gatherings. Some parties and get togethers. But the thing I hate missing the most is birthdays.

And now I have to miss Y/N's.

"It's fine. Really. I know you have some more promoting for Eddie the Eagle, T. I understand completely." Her voice spoke through the phone.

I should've smiled and felt better at the long time nickname. But it only made me feel worse. I've already been away for a while, leaving for periods of time filming and doing interviews, attending events.

I needed to spend time with everyone. Especially Y/N.

"I'm sorry Y/N." I hear a laugh on the other side of the line, but it doesn't sound very happy. "Taron, it's okay. We'll have a small celebration when you get back. I don't like big parties anyway." I shake my head even though she can't see.

I'll make it right. Somehow.


"It means everything, Matt." I repeat, shaking my head with what must be the biggest grin on my face.

He laughs, shaking his head. "Please, you need a break. You taking some time off is better than seeing you mope around everywhere." I laugh, hugging him briefly one last time before walking-

Running, out of the studio.

Making my way over to a spare taxi, I fish out the tickets I bought yesterday when Matthew told me I could go home for a couple days to spend time with the family.

More so Y/N.

"Just to the airport please." I direct, getting into the back seat of the car.

Smiling down at the papers in my hands I look out the window, thinking of Y/N and how her birthday's going so far.

And how she'll react when she finds that I'll be apart of it. Well some of it.

I sent her a text earlier to wish her a happy birthday, but she has no idea I'm about to board a plane to come see her.

Thinking about the smile on her face almost makes me giddy.

"That'll be $7.60 mate." The husky voice of the taxi driver breaks me out of my trance. I nod, taking the cash in my hand and giving it to him. I get out of the taxi, it zooms off before I can fully close the door behind me.

Turning around, I grin up at the large airport.

I'm not far now, Y/N.


"Please fasten your seatbelts. We will be landing shortly." I barely make out the robotic, Siri like voice through the intercom over the child's cries from the seat across from me.

To say my head hurts has now become an understatement.

But the jet lag, headache, body stiffness and pins and needles are all worth it. I'm finally back home.

Just where I need to be.

The plane lands. From the views outside the small box window, it's raining. A few groans and grunts from other passengers fill the air as everyone gets ready to stand on actual ground after hours.

Next, sounds of buckles unbuckling, carry-on bags being pulled from shelves and people rushing to the door crowd the space.

I do hate plane trips.

I make it off of the plane eventually. People slowly stretched or popped their ears, but I just ran. Running as fast as I could to make it out to a taxi. 

I needed to see Y/N immediately.

After running through the averagely busy airport, I end up outside, scanning the area for a taxi, much like the way I had back in L.A. My eyes land on the black vehicle, the edges of my mouth curling up.

I sprint over to it, now suddenly aware that the rain is much worse when you're in it. There was no taking my time right now. One, it was raining and freezing. Two, I just checked the time and it turns out that it's much later than I thought it was.

I jump in, breathing out the address hastily while I unzip my bag to get out the dog teddy and Pringles I'd brought for her back in L.A.

It wasn't her official present but I saw the teddy, one thing led to another and here I am holding it for her.

I finally have the time to catch my breath and realise what's going on now.

Yesterday I was moping around in Los Angeles, having been away from home for a few months, not getting to see anyone.

Yesterday Matthew Vaughn told me he'd let me fly back home for a few days, noticing how homesick I'd been lately.

Today, I caught a plane back home, on my girlfriend's birthday, ready to surprise her.

And right now, I'm on my way to her apartment in a taxi while it's pouring down rain outside.

I can't help the chuckle that escapes my lips at how fast the situation had escalated.

I watch the rain wash over the city. The nighttime lights and noises buzzed around, the vehicle getting closer and closer to my flat complex.

So close in fact, we're just now pulling into the parking lot.

Without another thought, I chuck the twenty dollars over the seat, waiting impatiently for the change. The man laughs at my jumpy movements, handing over the money and farewelling me before I sprint out of the car.

Again, much like I had back in L.A.

The rain doesn't get much of a chance to hit my whole body before I make it inside.

I pant, shutting the door and leaning against it, letting myself breathe.

Pulling the teddy and Pringles from under my jumper, I take it off and place it down with my bag. Reaching behind me I manage to lock the door without sight.

Looking over at the clock in the lounge room, it reads 9:24pm.

I smile, looking at a re-run episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S on the TV, I know she's asleep on the couch. I quietly walk over, proving my theory right, a sleeping Y/N lays on the couch. Soft breathing comes from her and I smile, knowing she's had a busy day from how early she's asleep.

I carefully slide in beside her, pampering her face with kisses before I kiss her lips.

That last kiss wakes her up.

She gasps, moving up so quickly that I lose my balance, falling onto the floor. I groan, the carpet hitting my back in all the wrong places. She gasps again, but this time a light laugh comes after it. Before I know what's happening, her body hovers over mine as she embraces me in a bone crushing hug, still laughing.

"Taron! Holy shit." She whispers, laughing and crying now. I laugh along with her, hugging her back with as much passion.

"You came back?" She now brings her face up to mine. From the light of the TV, I see that smile I adore and tears cover her cheeks. My hand flies up to her cheek on instinct, rubbing away the tears.

"Of course, it's your birthday. I couldn't possibly miss it. Happy birthday Y/N. I love you so much." My other hand brings the teddy and Pringles into her eye view. She laughs louder, shaking her head and closing the small space between us with a kiss.

God, I've missed this.

"I guess my birthday wish came true."

Taron Egerton Imagines Where stories live. Discover now