Much More Tolerable

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Y/N's P.O.V

Molly Hendrikson was my worst client.

I'd been working at the Closer headquarters for about 3 years before she was allocated into the 2nd photography department.

My department.

She was a young model, beautiful to say the least. She had big brown eyes and platinum blonde hair that just passed her shoulders. A few light freckles covered her cheeks, though they were only visible on the days when she'd wake up late and forget her 4 kilos of makeup. She was tall, too, at least 5'11". She really did suit her profession.

Unfortunately, if the saying that what's on the inside matters most is true, she'd be screwed.

Molly was the poster child for brats.

She knew that she was attractive and she intended to make sure everyone else knew of it too. She was demanding, inpatient, rude and insensitive. She was brought up with money, so all she processed was looks and fortune.

People like this already bother me enough.

But to top the cake off, she was two faced.

Thinking about her makes my head hurt.

To myself and the few other employees that worked in my department, she was despicable. But to the company and consumers of the magazine, she was admirable.

Kind-hearted, modest, thoughtful?

No, not at all.

I remember when someone filed a complaint to the board. He grew tired of her nonsense and tried to get her switched to another department. But because of her two faced personality and the fact that he had no physical proof, they wouldn't listen and went on about their business.

The department was pissed off beyond belief, to say the least.

But I was the one she really couldn't stand. Probably because I was the only one who wouldn't put up with her bullshit, who wouldn't bow down to her.

I'd still do my job regardless of whether or not she'd be apart of that. Yes, I'd have to tolerate her to an extent of keeping my mouth shut sometimes. But I wouldn't just let her get away with treating everyone like shit and expecting the world at her own petite fingers.

That's not how life works honey.

She once filed a complaint about ME. Told the board that I mistreated her and they deserved to know about the toxicity in their workplace.

But because I'd been working there longer than she'd even been a model, they didn't take much notice of it.

Needless to explain, I refused to photoshop the pimple growing on her forehead out of that close up shot. That got her riled up big time.

This behaviour went on for about 6 months before she was offered a new position interstate, to which she gladly took because at that point everyone in the department had caught up to my attitude.

Although, no one let me know she had left either.

The other employees thought it'd be fun to let me find out myself when a new client took her place in the department.


The studio door creaks. This usually indicates that Hendrikson will be arriving as it's noon, just around when she usually comes in on Thursday's.

I sigh. Today hasn't been amazing. I couldn't get any good sleep last night, so I got out of bed earlier than usual. My shower head broke this morning, meaning I was forced to borrow my neighbour's shower.

Taron Egerton Imagines Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt