Proud and Fun

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Russell's POV

"What is your fantastic news" Cerys asked excitedly. " I'm going on Tour and its called WONDERBOX" I shouted super happy. " Aww baby that is amazing. How long for?" " About 5 months". "I'm so proud of you baby" Cerys said giving me a very long kiss.

Cerys's POV

I was so proud of my handsome and hard working boyfriend. He is so happy with his job. After a while of kissing and hugging each other Russell went upstairs to change into his shorts and T-shirt before dinner. "Babe dinners ready" I called for him, "coming!" He shouted back. Russ came down and we started to eat and talk about the tour.

After dinner

Russell's POV

Me and Cerys were watching TV and cuddling sitting on the sofa. Cerys's head was on my chest and her arms were wrapped around me, my arms were wrapped around her and Archie was sleeping in his dog bed. Cerys looked up at me and said " I love you" and them have me a kiss I said " I love you to" I told my beautiful girlfriend. After watching a the last episode of "Bad Education" I started to kiss Cerys. We kissed for a while until she pulled away, she stood up and put her hand out for me to grab so I did and then I followed her to our bedroom.

Time Skips

Cerys POV

I was laying my head on Russell's chest listening to his heartbeat. I was falling asleep, we were both tired after we had fun. Russell and I fell asleep into each other's arms.

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