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            I felt useless.... Unworthy.     
                       I felt.... Stuck.
               My name is (Y/N) (L/N).                              
         A homeless rat or so I am told.       
     I softly huff and run a hand threw my matted and sweat rittled hair. 'Nothing in my begging jar again' I thought while opening my wallet. A few bucks and a button was all that was in it. 'Guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow to get a snack.' I mutter softly as I stand on wobbly legs after grabbing the jar and shoving it into my jacket.
     I put a hand on the street wall to steady myself. I flinch lightly as I stand on my injured leg. I curse lightly and rub the back of my leg before limping tiredly into the alleyway behind the creepy doll shop I beg in front of. To be honest I hated Dolls in general but damn does it get leg traffic. I head over to my small place of refuge. It's just a sleeping bag and a backpack, but it's mine.

      I grab my pack and sit down with a grunt. I ruffle their the contents looking around for anything useful. A sound of crinkling paper catch my attention. I know for a fact I never carry paper on my. I find it....wasteful. I pause and slowly pull out the wrinkled paper. It was old and weathered even starting to yellow. "The hell...?" I say. It seemed to be some kind of notes on the famous Ripper case.

      I scoff and smack the paper on the ground. Of course my clumsy ass smacked my hand so hard it started to bleed. Wrecking the notes. I hiss and recoil my hand back. I hold my hand mumbling curses. Small drops of blood pool on the paper. The paper seemed to be....drinking it..? The blood didn't even leave a stain.

    I slowly pick up the notes looking at it with my face scrunched in confusion. A small shiny object seems to drop from the paper. I blink and pick it up. It seems to a very old fashion pocket watch. I turn it curiously in my hand. I was weirded out but more curious then anything. I click the top open. The time seems to be set and stopped sometime in the late 1800's. I raise an eyebrow clicking the pocket watch again. A small flash blinds me and I felt as if I was falling.

    I let out a 'manly" scream as I look around seeing myself fall.
That was almost a year ago. Now I'm stuck in fake reality. Everything looks and feels different and now I'm being chased by a scraggly old man. I get it I have been stealing from him but it still gets on my nerves.

   I weave thru the crowd of rich snobs. I growl and duck into an alley then another then another before stumbling across a store called 'Undertakers'. I pant and groan as my injured leg aches from the running. I open the door to the Undertakers. I see 5 people sitting at a table. I guess I interrupted something and look like a crazy person with a loaf of bread. As well as dirty as fuck. I hope I don't get my ass kicked to Alabama.

Stuck in a Fake Reality -Black Butler x Male Reader-Where stories live. Discover now