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          I stand awkwardly in the door way. I slowly take a bite of the bread munching on it while staring at them blankly. The first.... Person? Thing? That I spotted seemed... well... To be perfectly honest he looks more homeless than me. He had very long grey hair with bangs covering his eyes. Large scars littering his visible skin and stopped mid shove of what seemed to be a dog biscuit into his gob. The other four people turn their gaze form the 'dog biscuit man' to me.

          They seemed like nobles from their suits and fancy looking.... Hold up are those booty shorts...? I shake it off and groan mentally 'God more nobles' as I hear the door open behind me. A large hand slaps on my shoulder and an out of breath old grumpy man spoke "I finally..... catch.... you brat...!".

            I smack his hand off my shoulder. "Get your Crusty,Dusty, Goblin looking, Shit stained hand off my GOD DAMN SHOULDER BITCH!!" I say before knocking him straight in the face with my fist. I hear a small but audible sound for his nose breaking. His nose spews blood on my bread.... The bread I ran for fucking ages to get. That cocky bastard. The bastard holds his nose and howls in pain. I grab his hair and show him the bread. "Look what you did you absolute asshole! Do you know how hard it is to steal when you have nerve damage in your leg! This was my food for the next three days!!"

       He whimpers and pulls away while frowning. He stands on shaky legs and growls out "Y-you're s-so dead when the bobby get you brat!" I roll my eyes and take a bite of the bread before recouping and spitting it out.

      I look back over to the group to the nobles. They all seemed shocked even the butler's seemed to be startled by my sudden appearance. As well as my swearing and probably my battery of that old bastard. At least now I have a better look at the N o B l E S.
     Beside 'Biscuit man' their was a small kid. Short, dark cold. His  dark bluish or blackish hair. He had some of the most hypnotic blue eye with an eye patch covering the other one. A shiny ring sits on his finger probably from his betrothed or an heirloom. I turn my attention to the man next to him. Tall, lean with a semi muscular build. His eyes held an unnatural blood red tone with a devilish fire behind them. His hair was smooth and dark as a ravens feathers, which did go quite well with his eyes.

     My eyes linger a bit on the man making him smirk at me. I shake it off and then my gaze to another short boy settled next to him. Blonde, short, and shockingly short shorts. His eyes were a light blue with a spark of loneliness in them. His dark purple coat did suit him well.... The kid even wore heels. He was rather fashionable for someone that seemed rather young. He watched me closely as I look him over.

     I turn my head to what I thought was his butler. Tall, dark, glasses. His dark hair was a major contrast to him master's blonde mop of hair. His eyes were cold and somewhat dead as he looks at me his face unchanged. His eyes were yellow and sent uneasy chills down my spine. The man pushes up his glasses and smirks at me from his seat.

    "What the bloody hell was that!?" I hear I turn to the voice it was 'Eye patch'. I raise an eyebrow.

     "What was what!" I say before calmly walking over and plopping myself down next to ' Biscuit Man'. I snatch a couple biscuits from the jar he was holding and lazily plop them in my mouth.
      "You bursting in and attacking that man." He says his face unchanging. He gave me the creeps.

      I chuckle "None of your God damn business Noble" I hiss out. "Stop being all high and mighty and realize just because you have money doesn't mean I owe you shit." I say flatly. I look of at the biscuits in the glass jar and point before saying " Do you mind if I take theses? Their hella tasty. " Biscuit Man just chuckles and hands them over to me.

    "Take them!" He giggles "You are quite funny!" I give him a thumbs up and turn to leave. "Nice to meet you Biscuit man! Uh sorry for the you know.... Interruption.." I smile sheepishly and walk out the door.

From inside I could hear mutters and the words " Who the bloody hell was that? " I chuckle and smile 'I wonder if we will meet again.'

                                           'Ceil Phantomhive'



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