the original story before rewriting whew

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i sigh as i check my phone. me and Jojo were supposed to go on a date today. this is the third time shes either been late or- my thoughts are interrupted by the seat across from me being pulled out. "im so sorry im late dan." i sigh and turn off my phone, setting it on the small table. i mutter its fine before giving a fake smile.

"so! how are you?" i try to sound like im interested when i really could care less. "im amazing, cause im here with you." i smile but mentally roll my eyes because of how fast she talks. "i love you dan" she puts her hands on mine and she smiles. "so why were you late?" her smile fades and she rolls her eyes.

"does it really even matter? you're late to a lot of things but i never ask where you were or why you were late" shady bitch. "that's cause you were an hour late. im usually only 5 to 10 minutes late. and even then i tell you where i was" she groans and i can tell she was doing something. "let's get this date done and over with ok?" i nod in agreement.

after a while, the waiter comes with our food and without a second to stab my fork into my food i stop to think. i could stab her, but i won't. but i could. "dan talk to me. you're my boyfriend and can't even talk to me" i look up from my food. "not for long" i say under my breath. "what was that?" i can't even understand her.

"i said i like your new song" to my advantage she put out a new song a few days ago. "oh, thank you" you know how people say that you can talk a mile a minute? yeah, Jojo is.


the dinner went well i guess. me and jojo talked normally now i have her into thinking that we're gonna watch a movie and cuddle at my place. little does she know shes going to die- well not die- well she might. "dan you ok? youre staring into space" i look up from my lap as the cab comes to a stop. "youre here" i hand him some money and we step out. i unlock my phone to see a text from phil.

phil is typing...

you still up for the 'plan' ;)

dan is typing...

that sounds wrong stop

but yeah. everything ready?

phil is typing...

yup, just like you asked

floor is covered in plastic wrap and trash bags and forks.

dan is typing...


we'll be there in like 2 minutes

i walk over to jojo and grab her hand, intertwining our fingers. i feel bad for what im going to do but ive never been one to be nice. after being late to our third date im done with her. she deserves whats coming for her. i smile as we walk up the stairs. i stick my key in the lock and jiggle it around until it unlocks.

i push it open to see candles lit around the room, a movie playing on the tv, blankets on the couch and popcorn on the table. jesus phil you outdid yourself. "you did all this?" jojos face lights up and i nod even though i didnt. she would be confused as hell if i said i didnt. she unlinks our fingers and walks over to the couch.

she sits and i walk into the kitchen where phils sat. "you outdid yourself" i whisper and i open the fridge. "gotta kill them good right?" i give a short laugh and grab two waters, walking back to the couch.

after around an hour i tell jojo i have to use the bathroom. instead of walking down the hall to the bathroom i walk into the kitchen. "jesus you took forever. well heres everything" phil hands me the fork and i mentally laugh.

i never thought i would kill someone by stabbing them in the eye with a fork. well it might not kill her but its cool, if i stab hard enough and it hits her brain then she will die. phil passes the fork across the counter and i grab the cold metal between my hand.

i slowly walk behind the couch. "dan hunny what are you doing?" she looks back at me. i take a deep breath and jab the fork in her eye. 


she lets out a loud scream as i shove it deeper into her eye. she soon stops screaming and falls limp. i slowly take the fork out of her eye. "ew what the fuck phil help" i put my hands in the air and drop the bloody fork. phil laughs and walks over.

"you didnt wear gloves oh my god you idiot" he rolls his eyes and picks the fork up- this time him having gloves on. "how are we going to get rid of this?" i tilt my head to the side and phil hands me the bag with the fork in it.

"this reminds me of dexter" i let out a short laugh at phils words. "also leave it to me, but please go get gloves and help me put her in the trash bag i cant to it myself." i nod and walk into the kitchen, putting on gloves. i walk back to phil and he has jojo on the floor.

"damn ok handy man lester" phil shakes his head as he opens the bag. "hold it open" i walk over to him and squat on the floor. i take the trash bag from his hands and hold it open. "did you double wrap it incase she rips it?" phil nods as he shoves jojo into the bag.

it takes phil a mere 5 minutes to get jojo fully into the bag and tied. "its your trash day" he smiles and hands me the bag. i roll my eyes and walk over to the door. "i put her in the bag so you take her out" i laugh.

i walk downstairs, almost falling twice, and throw the bag into the bin outside. i sigh and trudge back upstairs. i open the door to see phil standing there with the bag containing the fork.

"so, what are we gonna do with this?"

Daniel Howell x Jojo SiwaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя