Chapter 15: Giving Her Up

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(Three Months Later)

"AH!" Payton shrieked, gripping Rick's hand so tightly, he thought he'd pass out from the pain.

"Phoenix, get some more towels and a bucket of warm water," Pandora said, staring at her watch to see how far apart Payton's contractions were.

Phoenix nodded and shimmered to the bathroom. She grabbed several towels and shimmered downstairs to the kitchen where she filled a big bowl with water. She then shimmered back to Pandora.

"Here," she said, placing the bowl down on the floor at the end of Payton's bed. Pandora put several towels under and around Payton, then placed the rest of the towels next to her.

Another contraction hit Payton; she screamed bloody murder and squeezed Rick's hand even tighter than she already was, if that were possible.

"Honey, I'm gonna need that hand after this is all over!" he cried, yelping in pain.

Payton glared at him and hissed. "Do you want to give birth instead? I'd gladly switch places!" she snarled, Exorcist style.

Rick gulped and shook his head.

"Payton, you gotta push now," Pandora said firmly.

"No," Payton whined, cringing in agony. "No, no, no!"

"You have to!" Pandora replied sharply. "Come on, cuz, push!"

Payton forced herself to comply and pushed until her face turned blue, then screamed in agony and tried to relax her body.

"Okay . . . I see a head! Come on, push again!" Pandora told Payton.

Again, Payton complied, pushing with every bit of strength she had.

"One more push and I think this baby will be out. Come on, Payton," Pandora said encouragingly.

Payton did as she was told. She felt ready to pass out when she heard the sharp cries of a baby. Her head fell back against Rick's arm and she smiled.

"Rick, do you want to cut the umbilical cord?" Pandora asked, smirking.

Rick shook his head. "No, you can," he said. His hand was numb from Payton's death-grip.

Pandora laughed and cut the umbilical cord, then cleaned the baby up. After placing the baby in the Halliwell baby blanket, she walked to Payton's side and placed the baby in her arms.

"Say hi to your daughter, Payton," Pandora said, smiling.

Tears welled in Payton's eyes as she smiled at her daughter. She was adorable and the thought of giving her up for adoption broke Payton's heart. But it had to be done and soon; she wasn't going to risk her daughter's life for the sake of bonding time. And besides, why bond with her? The more time she spent with her daughter, the harder it would be to give her up.

"Have you chosen a name?' Phoenix asked excitedly.

"Presley. Presley Piper Halliwell," Payton replied in barely a whisper.


Two weeks after Pressley's birth, Payton and Rick drove to the same church where Patty and Victor had left Paige.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Rick asked, as they sat in his car, Payton holding a sleeping Presley.

Payton nodded. "Yes. Wait here, okay? I'll be out in a minute." She pushed open her door and got out, walking slowly up to the church. She took a deep breath before going in. Inside, a nun was in the front, doing something; Payton couldn't see what. The nun had her back to the front door. Payton walked to the front, slowly, holding Presley close.

"Excuse me," she said in a soft voice, trying hard not to cry.

The nun turned around and smiled. "Hello," she said, her voice gentle and kind. She was very old, but her eyes sparkled with life. "What a beautiful baby you have there. What can I do for you?"

"Is Sister Agnes here?" Payton asked, her voice quivering.

The nun frowned. "I'm Sister Agnes. Can I help you?"

"A long time ago, a friend of mine was brought here as a baby. Her parent's couldn't keep her because it wasn't safe and they left her in your care," Payton said.

Sister Agnes's eyes widened. "Yes, I remember."

"I'm here for the same reason. I can't keep my daughter. I want to, so badly, so badly it hurts. But she's not safe with me. I need you to find her a good home, just as good a home as you found for the other little girl," Payton continued.

"I will," Sister Agnes promised, holding her arms out for Presley and Payton handed her over.

"I have one request. Wherever she goes, please make sure they name her Presley Piper. It's very important that that be her name. Can you promise me whoever adopts her will keep her name?" Payton asked, now unable to keep her tears from falling. They slid down her face and some slid onto her lip.

Sister Agnes nodded. "I promise."

Payton nodded her thank you and turned away from her daughter, the love of her life. She walked down the aisle and didn't look back.

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