Chapter 25: Angel of Destiny

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"We're in trouble," Phoenix muttered.

"No shit," Pandora snapped.

Payton ran to Presley and sat beside her, hugging her. "Are you all right?"

Presley nodded. "B-but what about you? All these people saw you-"

"It doesn't matter. You're safe and that's all I care about. My cousins and I will fix this. Just sit tight," Payton replied, getting up and going back to her family. "Now what?"

Suddenly, the whole park froze. Even Presley froze.

"Payton, don't you think we're in enough trouble without you freezing the whole damn park?" Pandora demanded.

"I didn't!" Payton said in defense.

"I did."

The girls, including Prue, turned around. A man with white hair, a white mustache, and white robe stood behind them, smiling.

"Who are you?" Payton demanded.

"I," the man replied, "Am the Angel of Destiny. I came once before to the Charmed Ones before you. Piper, Phoebe, and Paige. I offered them the chance to give up their powers and have normal lives. I am now offering you three that chance. If you choose to give up your powers, you and your children will be free to live normal lives and no demons, of any sort, will come after any of you. This whole mess will be forgotten. However, none of you will be allowed to see your husbands, since they are magical folk, and your memories will be altered; you won't remember any of your life as witches, nor will you remember your parents ever being magical."

Payton glanced at her cousins, who looked just as torn as she. They loved being witches and the thought of loosing their memories was terrible. But they had been exposed and now their lives, as well as the lives of their husbands and daughters were at stake.

"But what about our daughters? They're meant to be the next generation of Charmed Ones," Phoenix pointed out.

The Angel of Destiny nodded. "When you three have passed on and they have come of age, they will find the Book of Shadows in the attic and discover who they are, just as Prue, Piper, and Phoebe discovered who they were after their Grams had passed away."

"Will we remember all the good, non-magic things we went through together?" Phoenix asked.

The Angel of Destiny nodded. "If you choose to accept my offer, you will wake up at home in your own beds. Presley, Paisley, and Patience will be in their rooms at the manor with you. According to your memories, you all divorced your husbands and they left you. You won't remember anything pertaining to magic and anyone you might have told about yourselves will have forgotten. You'll have normal lives and no demons will come after you."

The three cousins looked at each other and nodded, then looked at the Angel of Destiny.

Payton took a deep breath before saying, "Okay."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2014 ⏰

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