Chapter 6: sudden surprises and sombre sentiments

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Quick A/N before we start: 

It took me a while to work through what I wanted for this chapter and the feelings that I had. So naturally I wrote and re wrote it four times :) It's sad (at least I find it sad) but this is the lowest that Peter is going to get in this fic, so it's all upwards from here!

I would not recommend (but also kind of would) listening to these songs from the Endgame and IW soundtrack towards the end of this chapter:
- Not Good (endgame)
- Even for You (IW)
- any other song from endgame that made you want to cry (pretty much the whole soundtrack for me a this point but those two are particularly good at TEARING MY HEART TO SHREDS)


Peter tried to avoid his classmates' gaze as he slowly made his way over to the CEO of Stark Industries. He had been looking forward to catching up with Pepper, Morgan and Happy but it seemed she had other plans. Peter wasn't entirely sure what he'd done to earn such a cold reaction from her, but he had an inkling it might have something to do with him sneaking the iron spider suit into SI earlier that morning. Not that Peter bringing his spidey suit to work had ever been a problem before.

"Peter!" A little voice cried and the sound of small shoes could be heard tapping against the polished floor of the lab. As Peter slowly rounded the group of students and interns he came face to face with Morgan Stark.

"Oh hey!" Peter said immediately breaking into a smile and dropping to his knees to hug Morgan once she reached him. "How you doing kiddo?"

"Good." Morgan replied sweetly, hugging Peter back.

Growing up Peter had never had the experience of having a younger sibling, or even cousins, given that May had never had kids. Though he had only met Morgan a few times, Peter already doted on her like an older brother. The first time they had met at the funeral, Peter hadn't been able to keep himself together knowing that Morgan was going to have to grow up without her dad. Peter had gone through that first hand and knew how difficult it was and he was determined to be there to help if Morgan needed him.

"Morgan." Pepper said sighing, her poker face dropping immediately in favour of fond exasperation. Peter looked up at the CEO again and took in her all black attire, a clear mark of the tragedy she was still recovering from. Peter couldn't help noticing the faint bags under her eyes and the red that rimmed her eyelids. It seemed the last month hadn't treated her well. Knowing that Pepper was here at SI helping the rest of the world get back on its feet even though she had just lost a core part of her worldfilled Peter with endless admiration.

A couple of quiet 'aww's had broken out amongst Peter's classmates as Morgan took his hand in her small one and dragged him over to her Mom.

"Sweetie, Mommy said to wait outside with Happy." Pepper said taking Morgan's other hand once the two had reached her.

"But Happy said I could come in and see Peter." Morgan said beaming up at Peter.

"Of course, he did," Pepper said shaking her head, "Abigail, Mr Harrington, please excuse Peter until lunch, I have a few things to discuss with him regarding his internship.

Peter glanced at his teacher whose eyes were flicking between Peter and the CEO, betraying the confusion he was obviously experiencing. "Of course, we'll see him again at lunch time then..." Mr Harrington said slowly, trailing off.

Deciding that the adults had finished their business, Morgan took the lead and pulled Pepper and Peter behind her as they left the lab.

"Sorry if I was a bit cold back there Peter," Pepper said once they were clear of the lab, she let go of Morgan's hand and pulled Peter in for a warm hug.

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