Chapter I

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"Koyo takes his leave to Tokyo to meet with his unacquainted father and custom himself to the new opportunities he's been offered with standards..."

. . .

Tomorrow, I am moving out of my hometown to live in the capital city of Japan, Tokyo. I can't say I'm excited, but I do know that I'm the only one leaving. My mother will be staying with her boyfriend in his house and sell our old home once I'm out of her list of responsibilities to deal with. I'll be living with my father for the time being until I'm out of secondary and gone to college to survive on a job I wish to take. It'll be great! Just two more years, hopefully.

Actually, I haven't discussed my parent's recent divorce (I'm not sure if I can call it 'recent'. I never met him, but they were still married when he left and I was born). Seems pretty subtle to me. Never actually had a father figure. Then... I would probably ask myself, "What about the boyfriend?" He pays no mind to me. All his attention goes toward mom, and mom only. When I was in primary, we would ALWAYS visit Mom. Spoil her with gifts and love. I thought he was just a friend to her; being generous and all, until their lips connected like a puzzle piece, and I used that last piece of the puzzle to finish the solution to my muzzled brain back then.

I was absurd into thinking they were "Just friends". You learn something every day, they say.

As I was saying about 'attention', I pay no mind to it. Being fondled with 'stuff' just overwhelms me and wastes my time. It's like the chocolates and cards I get for valentine's day. I actually got some on the last day of school. But I couldn't get one bite.

You put your food in the fridge, it's GONE within seconds because someone is chowing them down for you on the once sober sofa. I should complain of an act of thievery, but it was my fault for stashing them away in someone's property. And besides, they give me food, water, shelter.

Why should I complain?

Perhaps next time I'll talk to a mirror (Let's hope there's one in my new home).

- Signing off, Koyo

. . .

September 18th, 2002


The sound of books interrupted the silence with a thud. Koyo plopped himself onto his bed to recollect his thoughts, but also a break from all the packing. Without assistance, it took longer than he anticipated. He had plans after packing. He was eager to get out, walk around his city for a few hours. But no. All the packing lasted until the end of the day. Fastpacking, but a slow thought process. 

How unfortunate.

Koyo thinks of too much when he's doing something tedious and painstaking. It's like adrenaline rushing to his brain; possibly from the amount of bending. 

A few hours ago as he was staking books, he thought about the newspaper the other day his mother was reading based on "why you shouldn't litter and how it can impact our environment." He was immersed on the sentence, "our environment," it just ticked him off. 

It's "the environment", Dickhead. We don't own the environment!

He can imagine the majority of people asking him, "Why are you complaining?"

He would respond with, "I just love ranting about little things; or life would be tedious."

He observed the frigid walls and the half isolated room covered in the dust of his past. Soon, it will all be gone, as well as himself. Writing in his diary didn't seem to help this time like it always does. He still felt uneasy on the inside. 

Reflective Fragments ~ Innocence tomb - vol. 1 ~Where stories live. Discover now