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Ashton Irwin just moved out of his old town and into a completely new one. It was all because if his dads dumb job. Ashton's mum left with his younger siblings a few years ago and he really missed them. Now it was just him and his dad. Ashton felt like his whole family hated him. In fact, he felt like everyone hated him.

His dad always called him a disappointment of a son and said he was worthless. His mum obviously didn't care about him either, having taken off one night and leaving him all alone. At Ashton's new school, he was already being bullied. He was called a freak, fat, a loser, an idiot and countless other cruel things.

Ashton was gay, and couldn't help that. He just was always more attracted to guys. His dad wasn't accepting of him and always told him how being gay was wrong and disgusting. He told Ashton that he was such a disappointment and everything he said just made Ashton feel more and more worthless.

Ashton was sitting on his bathroom floor crying. His back was leaning on the door which he had locked. He was curled up into a ball with his head between his knees and he just stayed there crying. Pulling at his hair when hearing the voices repeating in his head.

'He's so fat' 'your a faggot, why are you alive?' and 'you should just slice your wrists' little did they know that he'd already been doing that for a while. Ashton just wanted to fit in with everybody else but it seemed impossible for anyone to accept him.

Ashton sniffled standing up. He looked in the bathroom mirror. His eyes were puffy and red from all the crying. He had tear stains on his cheeks and his hair was a mess. Ashton knocked over the bottles and everything else on the counter in anger.

The tears rapidly started falling again. He started to think that the kids at school were right. He was an ugly, fat, worthless, piece of shit. This wasn't the first time he thought this. He tried to end it all many times before but never actually did it. Then a thought crosses his mind that no one would care or even notice if he was dead.

Ashton went and got his blade from its secret hiding place. He lifted up his sleeve and saw the scars on his arms. He ran the piece of metal over his wrist a few times making fresh cuts. The blood was seeping out if the new cuts. He ran his arm under the water to try to rinse off the blood.

He hissed in pain because it stung. Then he dried off his arms and went back to his bedroom. He laid down on his bed and curled up on his side, crying himself to sleep just like he'd done for a while. He wiped his nose and eyes on his sleeve and then just stayed silently sobbing in the darkness.

His thoughts haunted him until finally he closed his eyes and tried to sleep. He glanced at his clock which read '11:11'. "I-I wish" Ashton whispered, voice cracking from all the crying, "I could disappear."

A/N: aww poor Ashton ): I cried while writing this chapter. Sorry it's really sad but its just part of the story. I hope you liked this chapter and I can't wait to write more <3 Don't forget to vote/comment/share okay bye guysss !!!

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