Ch.1: The Beginning of a Journey

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She was finished.

She couldn't believe that she had done it so quickly. Of course it had taken years to do so, but she still felt as though it was more of an "already finished" than a "finally finished."

She had read every book in her town's library (save for the one she held in her hand. The last book she had yet to read). Given it was a very small building, but it still held many more books than one might think based on the appearance from the outside.

(Y/n) had read every one of the hundreds of books with their plots of plenty, flipped the many thousands of pages, seen all the millions of words, and absorbed the billions of letters into her mind and heart. However, she still felt as though she needed more. She yearned for new stories, full of new adventure, and knowledge, and just... More.

It was roughly 10:00 in the morning when she returned home from the library. She went inside her small, humble home to find her mother and father in the kitchen: her mother making and gathering the items for what one might call brunch -consisting of eggs, meat, and multiple kinds of fruit- and her father sitting at the table, with his head resting on his propped up arm, seemingly half asleep.

"Good morning," (Y/n) said sweetly in an almost sing-song voice.

"Well good morning to you too, (Y/n)," replied her mother in a voice just as calming, "up early I see."

"Yeah, today is a big day. I've read every book in the library! Can you guys believe it?!" (Y/n) exclaimed excitedly. As soon as the words "read every book" came out of her mouth, her father's eyes shot open, hands slamming down on the table, and his jaw became slack at the loss of his hand underneath it.

"You what?!" Her father shouted, now fully awake and aware of the situation.

"Well, apart from this one," (Y/n) stated simply, "It's the last one I haven't read."

Her father's eyes went back to their normal state and his posture became more relaxed. He had been surprised by her statement. He knew she would do it eventually since she was so in love with reading, but he never imagined that it would be done so soon. His reaction may have seemed to be angry to any passerby who happened to hear it out of context, but in all actuality he was extremely proud, surprised most definitely, but proud none the less.

"That's fantastic, (Y/n)! Absolutely astounding! You've done what so many wish they would be able to do in their lifetime in a matter of..." He paused to do some seemingly intense mental-math,"13 years, just about! I'm proud." Her father praised. Extremely proud of his daughter's achievement.

"Thanks Dad. Though, you guys reading to me every night before bed when I was younger is what I think sparked my love and interest for books. I owe it to you both for teaching me to read in the first place, "(Y/n) said gratefully while smiling with every word. Her words giving both her parents bright smiles on their faces.

"Of course you're good at reading! You are my daughter!" He exclaimed. Earning a smack on the back of the head from her mother who, despite her actions toward the man, still had a smile on her face, directed at (Y/n). "But your overall intelligence and beauty are definitely from your mother!" He said genuinely, even though the words were prompted by the previous action from (y/n)'s mother.

(Y/n) giggled at the interactions between her parents. Absentmindedly wondering if she would have that kind of loving yet playful relationship with someone someday. She had read so many books about love and romance and had hoped for something similar one day but never fully thought about it. She was so focused on reading and working with her mother and father at the small farm that she hardly even thought about love. Much less seek it out.

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