Chapter 1: The Meeting

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"Dude come on!" Jerry exclaimed from outside of my room. 

"Bro I already said no. N-O!" I shouted back making sure to emphasize my n and o. 

"Why are you being so wack? We start school in a couple of days and you're telling me you're not trying to make this the best summer of your life?" Jerry replied as he slammed opened my door, exposing my darkroom to the hallway light of our apartment. 

I chuckled at Jerry's eagerness to wanting to go out tonight. He has been saying that he was tired of spending Friday's nights indoor and wanted to have some fun. "All the boys are going out tonight, you're going to miss a night with the BOYS," he asked looking astounded as if I told him I slept with his girl. 

I smiled as I replied, "Okay then see, you don't need me to go." 

"Xavier, dude, my man. You are not serious. You are the glue that holds this all together. You are the sole of my shoes. You are the peanut to my butter. You are the jam to my jelly. The condom to a..."

"OKAY OKAY STOP!" I yelled with a chuckle, "Don't finish that sentence you creep haha." 

"Well if you want me to shut up come out tonight," he said matter of factly. 

"Jesus you're annoying. Fine, I'll go out tonight." I replied. I knew I was going to give in eventually, I just wanted to see how desperate Jerry would act. 


Jerry and I got ready and took an Uber to the local bar that our friends always hang out. Before reaching "The Hillside," Jerry and I noticed that there was a commotion going on outside of the bar. 

"Dude, look, they're fighting! Fuck! We missed it!" Jerry yelled, disappointed that he wasn't a part of the action. "Wait. Xavier is that Luca?" He said pointing out the blonde head that was getting pushed around. 

"Yeah, dude I think it is," I replied as Luca got punched in the face, "STOP THE CAR! Let's go, let's go!" Jerry and I hopped off of the car before it could even stop as we ran to rescue our friend from getting his ass beat. 

Jerry grabbed a hold of a random guy wearing a black hoodie and pushed him to the ground and started punching him. From the corner of my eye, I saw a guy running towards Jerry beating the rando, anger clear in his features. Before he could reach them, I grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back, I kicked the back of his kneecaps forcing him down to his knees, he screamed in anger. One of his arms was twisted behind his back while the other one was tapping my arm around his neck as he put up a fight for me to let him go. I was in no mood to knock him out but I wasn't going to let him beat up my friends either. 

"WHAT'S GOING ON OUT HERE!!" Bob, the bar owner, yelled as he walked towards us. Now Bob wasn't the scariest looking guy out there. He was of average height, bald, chubby, and paled skin. But the thing about Bob was that he knew what to say to make you feel like you would lose your life. I saw him approaching me and I let go of the guy I was holding on to. He fell gasping for air. "You got a fucking explanation X?!! Why is that when you and you're little friend group come around there's ALWAYS something going on?!?" Oh fuck, he's mad mad. 

"Bob, look, it was just a misunderstanding that the gentlemen here had with Luca. I was just trying to calm the environment here," I raised my hands for him to know I meant no harm and to also add humor to the situation. 

"Xavier, I'm not in the mood tonight. You and your little friends need to go." 

"What? Bob come on, I promise you I'll keep them in check." Dammit, Luca. 

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