Chapter 2: All In Good Fun

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Lina's POV 

Here I am again. I look in the mirror and I'm disappointed in what I see. My hair falls back down to my hips in a straight and knotted mess. My eyeliner is running from all the sweat and drinks spilled on me tonight. I look like I just stood out in the rain for an hour. Why do I continue to come back here? I thank Joe for giving me the job and the opportunity but I can't help but hate myself when I look in the mirror. I stay cause the money is good and I know I won't find a decent job that pays this well. 

"Guess what chica?"  Cristy says as she comes into focus in the mirror. 


"I'm mad at you," she says with a devious smile. 

"Haha, why are you mad at me?" 

"Beeeecaaauuuseee," she whines, "the rich boys with money and mommy issues always come during your sets," she pouts. 

"Oh yeah, how many," rich boys coming into our establishment is like  acid to a raver, a pot of gold. 

"A whole ass group! And mami they are fiiinneee," Cristy thinks anything with a dick is fine. 

"Okay sure whatever," I roll my eyes at her. 

"No for reals they are, come look!" Cristy pulls my arm forcing me to get up and go behind the curtains that lead to the stage. I reluctantly follow her knowing that if I just do what she tells me to do she'll end the conversation. I love Cristy but tonight I'm not in the mood. "Look, you're going to tell me that you would coger te esos papis?" Her strong Puerto Rican accent failing to enunciate her words. I look towards the young group of guys seating in the front row closest to the stage. I'm not going to lie, yes they were attractive as if they put up an ad for attractive guys to be friends and that's how they met. These boys stuck out so much they may as well be sitting on the stage for everyone to see them. I could tell that Joe would be uneasy with their presence but as long as they don't cause a commotion they should be good. 

"Yeah okay they're cute," I admit to her 

"Cute?!? Oh no no no, they are drop-dead straight out of a magazine cover gorgeous. Fuck, the things I would do to them," she stares at them for a second, I'm sure she's imaging herself licking and kissing every inch of their bodies because a small part of me was thinking the same. 

Damn, I need to get laid how long has it been? Too long. 

"Girl you better go out there and secure one of those boys, get them to pay your rent, groceries, and any other expenses. And then when you have one tied down, you hook me up with a friend," Her chocolate eyes gleaming at the thought of her falling in love. 

"Haha, okay Cristy I'm going to go out there and give them a show just for you." 

"Eek! Thanks, girl!" She squeals. 

I take one last glance at the group of boys before heading back into my hair and makeup for the night. I put on my favorite short blue and black wig and my white lingerie that never fails to get me a good amount of tips. I redid my makeup to accentuate my jaw, collarbones, and high cheekbones. Whatever insecurity I was feeling earlier was gone, I was ready to take the money of the desperate man out there. 

"Lina bonita, you're next,"  Carlos the DJ yelled at me. 

"Okay! I'm ready!" I yelled back.

I walked towards the stage and rolled my eyes at the introduction that Carlos made for me. I knew the guy had a thing for me, I mean he makes it obvious, but Carlos wasn't my type so we agreed to just keep it casual friends and things have worked out.

As I walked out on stage I made sure my heels could be heard all around the club, all the attention on me. Not to be narcissistic but it's a vital part to making sure you get paid. Carlos gave me the blinding spotlight as I walked towards the pole, it's a good thing I was already familiar with where that was cause I'm sure I would have fallen. As I made my way to the pole I looked at the group of guys once again, they looked like normal guys. All of them carried their boyish charms and I'm sure if they smiled they would all have a perfect set of teeth.

As I started dancing one of them made direct eye contact with me, the second his eyes met with mine I could see the lust in his eyes. I could practically see him begging me to notice him. His grey eyes seemed to give him all away. I can tell he's trying to read me as if he has already figured out my messed up past.

I'm more upset with him then aroused, his eyes hold a kind of power that I cant put words to it. It's like he walks around knowing he owns everything and everyone. Like he expects people to please him with no questions asked.

As I run my hands over my breast I make sure to keep my eyes on him, I want him to know that I hold the power. His eyes follow my every move captivated by my actions, I play a game of sliding my hand down to my area and gently rubbing myself not enough to get me off but enough to feel a sensation. I over react to the sensation but everyone buys it I can tell by how still and intense everyone is.

Time to collect my money.

I lift myself up from the pole and make my way down to the seats, I go around every table and men grope me whilst putting money on my garner or down my underwear. For those that give me 20 dollars I give them an extra little dance just for the fun of giving them blue balls. As I make my way around the club I made sure to leave the table of group of guys for last. I didn't have to turn around and look at him for me to know his eyes were on me, I could feel them. I finally made my way towards the group of guys and danced in front of the table.

"How much for a lap dance?" The boy with dark curly hair asked.

"A lap dance? $100," if these boys were as clueless as I thought they were they would believe it.

"$100? Hmmmm, okay fine," jackpot, "Give my boy Xavier here a dance he'll remember" he said as he pointed towards the red hair boy, eyes wide with surprise.

"Umm, ugh no you dont have to do that," he coughed a little throughout his statement.

"C'mon X! It's not like she hasn't done it before. Oh oops sorry no offense ma'am" the dark haired boy blushed.

I laughed at his embarrassment, "Yeah c'mon X," I taunted at him. I didn't wait for him to reply as I moved closer to him. By the look on his face I dont think he could of even if he wanted to. I put both of my hands on his knees and opened his legs apart, I stood in between the space of his legs and started swaying my hips all while facing him. I noticed his eyes traveling up and down my body, and I wanted more than his eyes on my body.

I reached for hands and put them on my waist, his large man hands could almost touch fingertips, I could tell he was surprised at my move. I could tell he wanted this. I continued to sway my hips as I moved to sit on his lap. I put each of my legs on his sides as if I was kneeling and I slowly started grinding myself on him. I ran my fingers through his thick red hair, he closed his eyes as a response.

"Yes," he whispered. I couldn't help but giggle.

He eyes opened and I leaned in, teasing him as if I was going to kiss him. He wanted it, inching himself closer everytime I moved away.

"I don't do kisses just lap dances," I whispered close to his mouth as I came off of him.

The minute we lost contact I could tell he was confused as to what had just happened in a matter of seconds.

"Pay up," I tell the dark haired boy. He quickly reaches into his pocket and pulls out the money. "Thank you." I said as I walked away.

I ended my set and Cristy was waiting for me in my dressing room.

"Oh my god, you were so hot out there!"

"Haha, Cristy I always perform that set."

"No girl tonight you were performing for one person and one person only. That guy."

"No I wasnt," I quickly denied.

"Okay, yeah whatever Lina you cant lie to me," she said with a smirk.

But Cristy was right, tonight it did feel like it was just me and that guy.

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