Getting Together

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3rd P.O.V

Karma looked over at his bestfriend Nagisa. Karma had always liked Nagisa more than a friend but he knew he wound never be able to ask on his feelings. Plus he knew Nagisa wasn't gay.

Karma zoned out when Koro-Sensei was talking about bugs and shit. He watched Nagisa out of the corner of his eye. Karma let out a sigh and half way listened to Koro-Sensei.

Nagisa went up tp ask Koro-Sensei a question but while he was walking up there he dropped a piece of paper on Karma's desk. Karma looked at Nagisa as he picked up the paper.

Karma smirked while he read the note; "Hey Karma, ask Koro-Sensei if you can go to the bathroom and then meet me outside by the tree. We need to talk."

Karma did as he was told and walked outside to the tree that Nagisa told him to go to. Karma saw his bestfriend standing there looking at the leaves. Karma smirked and walked up behind him going to scare him.

Then Karma smelled it, Nagisa smelled like fear and worry. This made Karma a little uneasy to found what they needed to talk about. Did Nagisa find out?!

Karma walked up next to Nagisa and tapped on his shoulder, "Hey Nagisa~" Nagisa flinched from not knowing Karma was there and looked at him, "H-Hey Karma." Karma looked at Nagisa in worry, "Nagisa what did you want to talk about." Nagisa looked at his hands, "Promise no matter what I do you will think the same about me." Karma looked worried, "I promise?"

Then suddenly Karma felt Nagisa's lips on his. Karma felt Nagisa move back to quickly, "I'm sorry Karma, I couldn't help it." Karma pulled Nagisa back in and kissed him once more. Karma pulled by and sighed, "Nagisa as much as I liked that we can't be together." Nagisa looked at Karma, "Why not?!" Karma sighed, "Because Nagisa we just can't." Nagisa sighed and pulled Karma close again kissing him more. Karma kissed him back with passion. Nagisa put his head on Karma's chest after he pulled back, "Karma just give us a chance." Karma nodded, "Okay. Fine Nagisa prove me wrong."

Nagisa and Karma kissed more and then looked at the time seeing it was almost lunch time. Karma smirked at his new-boyfriend, "Nagisa your so cute." This made Nagisa go as red as Karma's hair.

Nagisa and Karma sat down on the tree holding hands. This so far was a good start to the week.

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