Everything is alright now

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"What are you talking about Arian. There is no way that happened. Tell him mast- I mean Cayden" Daniel asked the older male. The older male looked at Daniel with a smiled,"I have to take a look at Arians condition and that's going to take a while. So why don't you go and sleep for the next hour then we can all eat breakfast that Sabrina and I will make. Okay?" Cayden said to Daniel. Daniel then nods.

Cayden POV:

'This is so troublesome. I thought everyone was either passed out or weren't in the facility to even see what really went down. I tried so hard not to let any of the children know what I do because 1) I don't want them to asked why I had to do it. I don't want them involved in my work and 2) I didn't want to make them worried. But I guess there's no avoiding it.' Cayden takes a big sigh before he turns to Arian. Daniel then hugs Arian before heading to the door, but before he closed the door he stoped and looked at me,"Will you and Arian be able to have breakfast with us today because..ah..I would like if we could have it together like...li-like..a.. fam-" "Like a family?" I ask finishing his sentence. The boy simply nods, I go up to him and rub his head and smile down at the little boy,"You don't have to ask of course we'll be there, I love having breakfast with you guys and I'm sure that if I don't come I'll suffer a worse fate than death by Stella and Sabrina!" I said shivers running down my spine at the thought of the cruel things Stella and Sabrina will do. Daniel chuckled at my statement but nodding in agreement," Yeah, they are really scary," the small brown haired boy said with a smile on his face."Don't take too long now and don't lock yourself in your room again to do work without breakfast again you promised," Daniel said. "Okay, okay I hear you loud and clear Dany boy." Daniel laughed and smiled before leaving the room. I looked back at Airan while sitting back in the chair, he looked pissed."So about what yo-" the other male interuped me,"DON'T TRY TO TELL ME WHAT I SAW WASN'T REAL OR I TOKE THE SITUATION OUT OF CONTEXTED BECAUSE THAT'S A FUCKING LIE, I HEARED YOUR CONVERSATIONS WITH JOHN'S SO YOU CAN'T LIE TO ME FUCKER!I KNOW WHAT I SAW. I SAW YOU ALMOST KILLED US ALL." He yelled at me with venom in is voice.

I sighed again I really don't want to tell him the truth, he may not handle it well. But I don't see how I can avoid having this conversation since he saw me beat John's to a bloody pulp right in front of him. I crossed my arms,"Ok, you deserve the truth. The reason I had to stop that scumbag is because I am a highly ranked officer for the government and Johns was my target they assigned me to. He has been illegally buying supernatural creatures and other supernatural creatures and magical artifacts. He has been proven guilty of kidnapping as well. He is getting all of his supplies from the Serpens. They are a new gang and are quick gaining more power and allies. My mission was to take John's alive so he can give up the information that he knows about the Serpents gang. I had no idea that you and your friends were in that truck, in our file that we have on John there was no info on if he had supernatural creatures in his possession." I finished as I looked at how he was taking the information and it looks like he is talking it.....well....I think? He wasn't freaking out or going crazy like I thought he would, he just sat there quietly and processed what I said."So...why did you take Daniel and I? Did you take us to torture us or use us for your sexual desires because, Daniel is only 16 so if you dare touch or even thing about touching him I will-" "Whoe,whoe,whoe! Firstly: I would never touch Daniel in that way ever, he's like a cute and adorable son to me and Secondly: I would never ever think about torturing a bunch of kids!" I said with much anger and hurt because of how he accused me of sexually assaulting a 16 year old boy! I mean, I don't look like the kind of person who would do that.....right? It doesn't matter,but I just realized that he said 'why did you take Daniel and I'. I looked up to him and thought about telling him, 'if I tell him would he even believe me' "Arian, how much do you remember of that day?" He was silent for a few minutes until he finally looked up at me and started speaking,"I remember John's taking us into the van and putting us in our cages, he was driving and I also remember Daniel was next to me and then the van just crashed, I think I hit my head from the impact of the van toppling over and I just black out after hearing your conversation with John's. Why are you asking me this did something happen while I was out? Did Daniel do something stupid or wonder off after what happened OR did he piss off someone really important because that means they are going to come after us SO that means we have to run, run far and-" I raised my hand to stop him from talking farther. I went really close to him so he can hear me befor he start rambling again,"Maybe if you stop rambleing and let me talk you will get your answers so..now can I finish what I was saying." I looked him right in the eyes, I could see he was surprised and I think I can see a tiny tint of blush across his cheeks and a light on his ears. It was so adorable!

Arian's POV:

'OH MY FUCKING GOODNESS! WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING! Why did he have to have to put his handsome face so clo-WHY THE FUCK DID I JUST THINK THAT THIS ASSHOLE IS HANDSOME!' While I was having a eternal conflict in my head it was interrupted by laughter. I looked at the idiot that the laughter was coming from.'Why the fuck was he laughing!,' I was about rip that smile right off his face with my claws, but then he stoped laughing and started speaking,"I'm sorry, it's just that you look so cute when you blush that I couldn't help myself." He stood up and put his hand out in front of me, I was confused as to why he's hand was in front of me. I looked up at him to receive a reason as to why he was holding his hand out. He sighed before answering,"Well we do have a breakfast to prepare before the others wake up and if we don't do it then Stella and Sabrina will have our heads, also Daniel and all your friends are waiting to see you. I must say you have some great friends they were so worried about you, some of them thought you wouldn't ever wake up, but most of them like Daniel had faith you wake up and just waited by your side." I looked at him 'Is he really telling the truth about the others...at least they're safe' "So you gonna help me with breakfast?"

(Sorry it took me so long to finish this chapter)

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2021 ⏰

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