Chapter 11

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Beca sighed in relief as she walked beside Chloe through the airport, intent on putting as much distance between them and the four screaming children belonging to three different families that were on their flight home for Christmas. Chloe seemed similarly worn out, running a hand through her hair to push it back from her face.

"Seriously... who needs birth control when you have experiences like that?" Beca grumbled, shifting the strap of her backpack higher up on her shoulder. She didn't blame the parents, kids were just obnoxious little beings.

Chloe gave a soft laugh. "We don't need birth control at all," she reminded her, giving Beca a light nudge with her hip.

Beca smirked, "Oh, I dunno about that... I might be just that good."

"Modest too... really, the whole package."

Beca laughed, grateful for the injection of humor after the painful flight. "We could always test out that theory. Seriously, staying at a hotel was the best decision we made about this holiday."

Chloe went suddenly silent and Beca shot her a look, eyes narrowing quickly. "Chloe Beale, I swear..."

"I'm sorry! My mom freaked when I told her! She insisted we stay at the house..." Chloe seemed apologetic enough, but Beca was still trying to wrap her head around the change in plans.

"Chlo... we agreed on some space! We're already gonna be spending way too much time with the crazies as it is," Beca sighed, taking the turn towards baggage claim.

Chloe laced their fingers together. "I promise there will be boundaries. And we'll have alone time."

Beca shook her head, "It won't matter. I'm not doing... that... at your parent's house. Way too weird."

Chloe rolled her eyes, replying, "Seriously Bec? You can't say sex but you can brag about being good enough at it to get me pregnant?"

"Yeah, pretty much," Beca shrugged, a light flush coloring her cheeks giving away her slight embarrassment. "But I'm still not fooling around with you while your parents sleep two doors over."

"We'll see about that," Chloe murmured, lips suddenly very close to Beca's ear. Leaning back and resuming her normal tone, she added, "Also, don't call our parents crazy. They're just happy for us."

"I wasn't calling our parents crazy, I was calling our mothers crazy," Beca corrected, gesturing in front of them. "With good reason."

Their mothers were a few hundred feet ahead waiting for them with some sort of homemade sign, grinning ear to ear and waving to catch their attention.

Chloe grinned and waved back, tugging Beca's hand to get her to move a little faster. "Come on, Bec. Don't be such a Grinch."

Beca let Chloe walk ahead of her towards their moms, taking the extra seconds to steel herself for the next few days. She finally arrived after Chloe had already hugged both women, getting her own greetings out of the way as quickly as possible.

"We're so happy to see you!" Lindsey said with a smile, her arm wrapped around Chloe's waist making Beca feel slightly jealous.

Melissa nodded in agreement. "Let's get your luggage," she said, tugging Beca back in for another hug.

Beca tried to catch Chloe's eye, but her mother had already spun her away towards the baggage claim displaying their flight in red letters. Thankfully it didn't take long for the suitcases and duffel bags to start circling, grabbing theirs and walking the short distance to the car. Beca opened the door for Chloe, sliding into the backseat beside her and reconnecting their fingers once everyone was buckled in.

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