Chapter One

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Another morning, another shitty school day.

I got out of bed with a groan and made my way to the bathroom to wash myself up.

I did my usual morning routine and went downstairs to eat my breakfast that my dad made for me.

It was just me and my dad. My mom got out of the picture a long time ago. I can't even remember her. Dad says she left us but promised to come back to us. I don't believe a shit. I think she just left and is never coming back. Besides, I'm happy, I don't need her anymore.

Anyways I greet my dad and sit down to eat.

'What's your planing today sweetheart? You want to go out for dinner tonight?' My dad asks while sipping his coffee. Me and my dad have a pretty good bond. He is not home much cause of his work. He travels a lot around the country. I don't know what he does exactly, he never tells me what he does all day but I believe he is a kind of a businessman.

'Not much actually, I would kill for some sushi after school tho?' I say with some puppy eyes and a grin on my face. My dad chuckles.

'Of course you would hahaha. I will let Jeongguk bring you to your favorite restaurant after school, I'll meet you there' He smiled after finishing his cup of coffee.

Jeon Jeong-guk was a driver that my dad hired to bring me everywhere. He didn't like that I was walking all alone, he said it is "dangerous" outside.

I ate my breakfast with a smile, already thinking about the delicious sushi.

After I finished my food I said goodbye and got ready to go out. I was waiting for Jeongguk on the driveway to bring me to school. Jeongguk was 22 years old, I am only 4 years younger, so we would get along pretty well.

When I arrived at school I said goodbye and made my way to the entrance. I knew pretty much people at school, so I stopped a lot to talk to some friends. Once I got at my locker I got the books that I needed, when I slammed my locker door closed someone was a few inches away from my face and started at me with a grin.

He scared me and I startled back away from him. When I got my straight face up again I gave him a little smile.

"Taehuyng" I said wile I walked to my classroom. I heard his footsteps behind me, knowing that he followed to talk to me.

"Hi Y/n" He said wile he walked beside me. "Soooooo want to hang out after school?" He smiled hopefully.

"Sorry I'm eating sushi with my dad tonight." I said pale, not bothering to look at him.

"Oh common Y/n, just give me one chance to prove me to youuuu!" He wined.

"Sorry Tae, not interested." I said wile I stopped at my classroom.

Taehuyng lowered his head "Fine." He said while walking away.

I went inside the classroom and taught about Taehuyng, he's been having a little crush on me for a while. But I'm not interested. He's like super popular in school, I don't want to be THAT girl that dates the popular guy.

I sat down at my usual spot at the back of the class. I always come early, so I can do some work that I forgot or just to talk with friends.

When the teacher comes in, hell is starting.

I'm in my last year of high school, so I'm pretty tired from all this bullshit. I don't know what I want to do once I'm done. Maybe take a gap year and see the world. We will see.

"Class I want to introduce you to a new student. His name is Im Jae Bum, he just transferred from another school." The teacher introduced the new student with a smile. The guy looked... not too happy to stand in front of all those people. But I must say, he wasn't ugly, at all!

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