Darrel: My Queer Kid Brother

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I couldn't believe it. My very own brother Ponyboy Curtis just climbed onto the couch with Johnny Cade and stroked his hair, expecting me to think it was normal. I could always tell that there was something... well, different about Johnny, but Ponyboy has been into girls his whole life.

I decided not to say anything at first because we had an interesting relationship. Interesting in a way that makes me feel almost like a strict father. Pony hates me for it, but I only do it to protect him. He doesn't always use his head.

If Ponyboy did end up being gay, fine. I'm not one to judge. He was going to have to tell me eventually if he had feelings for Johnny, though.

In the morning, I went back down to check on them and start with breakfast. I saw Johnny and Pony, asleep, cuddling. Cuddling! I knew I had to talk to him.

I must've taken the pans out too loudly, because Ponyboy woke up and walked to the kitchen looking a bit scared. "What's wrong?" I asked, acting oblivious.

"Nothing! Nothing, I promise." He was talking fast.

I sighed. "Pony, do you have feelings for Johnny?"

His eyes grew wide. "Did... did Sodapop tell you?"

"Wait, what?" He started walking away. "Ponyboy, I'm not mad at you! Get back here!"

He moped back into the kitchen, refusing to look up at me. "Fine, I like him. Whatever. I just want to know if Sodapop told you."

"Soda didn't tell me, Pony. You guys were cuddling on the couch just now." I turned on the stove and put some eggs in the pan.

When I looked back at him, I noticed that he was trying not to cry. "I'm sorry, Darry. I'm sorry for disappointing you."

"Ponyboy, you are not a disappointment." I put my hand on his shoulder. "I'm just a bit surprised by all this."

"I'm still figuring things out, Dar. I know I have feelings for Johnny, but I liked girls my whole life."

"That means you're bi," I told him.

"I'm what?"

"You're bisexual, Pony. It means you like boys and girls."

"And you're sure you're okay with this?"

"Well, I'm sort of new to this," I replied. "But I'm not going to discriminate against you for who you like." Ponyboy walked over to me and hugged me. I could feel his tears fall onto my shirt.

"Thank you, Dar."

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