Chapter 5

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I sat in my room texting Mason.

From: Mason
Hey wanna go to a party? Liam will be there ;)

To: Mason
I'm not allowed. I have to sit here alone all night :(

Form: Mason
You're home alone. SNEAK OUT

To: Mason
Fine. Pick me up then.

I texted him my address and got up. Since It was a party, I knew I'd have to get dolled up a bit. I looked threw my clsoet and came across an outfit designed my my aunt(EXTERNAL LINK). You know what they say, go big or go home. I finished getting ready just as a gorn blew form outside. I made sure I had everything I needed before going outside and getting into the car. Violet and Garrett were in the front and Mason was i nthe back beside me. "Are you even old enough to drive?" I asked Garrett as we drove down the road. He smirked, "I won't crash, don't worry." Mason and I spent the rest of the drive goofing off and laughing about random things. I looked up and saw we pulled in front of a huge cabin. We walked up to the door along with about 50 other kids. Lydia answered. "Hey. Uh, are we in the right place?" Mason asked. Garrett sut in, "For the party?" Lydia smiled, "Absolutely." Everyone cheered and started pooring in through the door. I tried to keep my head down so Lydia wouldn't see me but she pulled me aside, "One, I LOVE that outfit. You look so hot. Two, what the hell are you doing here?!" She asked me in frantic. I shrugged, "Mason invited me. I know Scott said I can't go but I should be allowed to have fun once in a while." She sighed but then a smile appeared on her face, "God I feel like you're turnign into me and we only met yesterday." I laughed and gave her a hug, "Please don't tell Scott I'm here." She nodded and I thanked her before heading over to Garrett. "Where's Violet?" I asked as he looked at the bottle of wine he was holding, "She had to get something from the car. She'll only be a couple minutes. So, I heard you got poisonsed." I looked at him in confusion, "How'd you find out?" He shrugged, "Little birdie told me. Don't worry. Only Violet and I know." I smiled, "Oh ok. And yeah, I don't know how I even ingested it."

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