4 - Snooping Around

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I got a whole chunk of writing done, only to come back and find it had been deleted for some reason. Common Wattpad, why you gotta do a homie dirty like this. 

Anyway, you guys should know that this is a fic involving Billy Hargrove, and if you're observant enough, the show gives us hints of Neals A+ parenting.

So, what Im trying to say is: This contains mentions of abuse and slurs.


Billy never thought he was a good liar, hell, Maxine was better at spouting untrue nonsense than he was. No, instead he had the weird uncanny ability to tell when people are lying. It's no superpower by any means, but the tell tale signs of a lie are surprisingly easy to notice. You just gotta know what to keep an eye out for. In Cali, the citizens put up quite the struggle to keep their watery words held high.
He couldn't say the same thing for back here in the hick town of Hawkins. Every single hillbilly was more obvious than the feathery alarm clocks that squawked outside his window each and every sunrise. Tommy, Carol, the jocks on his basketball team, the shitfaced man who'd sell Billy his smokes at the gas station; they donned their personalities like badges.

Steve Harrington was no exception to this either. Hell, the dude practically wore his heart on his sleeve. It was sickening, truly.

So that's how Billy knows for a fact that Steve's hiding something from him. During their short conversation, he didn't exchange the whole message.

Billy kinda wanted to kick himself for letting it go that easily, but at the same time, the freakshow scared him outta the house. He was truly and genuinely curious about why Harrington insisted on collecting the little misfits for his pedo-ring, or whatever weird shit he had going on. His gut feeling told him he was better off not knowing.

Billy stood outside the massive building that Harrington called home, staring into the only room that had its lights on. Then, there too did inky blackness consume the light, rendering the house completely and utterly dark.

'Dude, he has the whole house to himself most of the time. It's the perfect set up.'

Tommy's voice popped into his head, and Billy shoved it out, cause honestly - fuck Tommy and his obsessive lapdog tendencies.

The idiot with the polka dotted face did have a point though, Harrington did have the perfect set up. Billy would kill for that kind of time away from his dad and goody-two-shoes wife. Yet Harrington, like the idiot rich kid he was, decided to waste the space and donate it to the local Hawkins kids. He sniggered and redirected his now glare at the pool beside him. He had half the mind to thrash the stupid pool chairs, and take a piss in the chlorinated puddle.

This whole expedition around Hawkins only left him with empty hands, and a worse mood. Plus, knowing his dad, he'll be waking up with a couple of killer aches around his body. 

Hah. How sickeningly ironic, he threatened Harrington with death, but at the end of the day, Billy would be at the receiving end of fists.


Fuck that.

He turned on the heel of his foot, walking so fast, he could be mistaken for running. What was the point of this whole damn thing. Even if he managed to drag Max back from her disappearance, Neil would still find an excuse to get a few hits on him. Knowing his old man, he'd hound him for how long it took.

"Useless brat, you know how long you were? Why'd it take you so long to get your sister, hm? I bet you were hanging around with a couple of fags as she was holing up, an easy target for any sleazy old man in this shithole."

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