12- Trouble

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Hoppers beat up truck sat in Steves driveway like a panther in wait. Elle was the first one to take notice, then Billy, and finally the homeowner himself. The group collectively froze, different emotions flitting through each of their faces. Elle had a distinctive 'oh shit' expression, something most likely picked up from The Party.

During his stay in Hawkings, Billy managed to surprisingly avoid the gruff bear-like man. After all, his dad getting a call from the police station would be transitioned into near future lesson on respect and responsibility, a class Billy would much rather skip.
Going off of unreliable school rumours poses a risk, but from what he had heard Hopper was somewhat lax about his job up until recently. Still, he held an air of command, considering his title of chief of police.

A glance over to Steve, and Billy could see discomfort scrawled across the others face. His face was contorted into a frown, his lips slightly parted. Both of his eyebrows were doing this adorable thing where they furrowed together, and–

Fuck. Did Billy actually just use the word 'adorable'? Hell, he should've gagged two letters in, but he actually used the word adorable, to describe Steve Harringtons dumb eyebrows. Though, as enlightening as these thoughts were, there are better times to mull over the fact that he might– just might –have a crush on the apocalypses #1 batter.

Steve snapped his fingers, bringing all attention to himself, a skill he probably mastered during his glory days. "Alright, I'll talk to Hopper, and you two rebels–" He pointed to Billy and then Elle who both smiled innocently. Billy pointed his own finger to himself with mock surprise as if to say, 'who, me?' Steve strategically ignored the gesture.

"–will say nothing, and let me do the talking. Maybe, just maybe, we can avoid getting screamed at. I've seen a mad Hopper before, and it's not a pretty sight."

Billy gave a half assed two finger salute, and Elle watched the gesture closely, mimicking it right after he finished. Steve groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose, exasperated by their nonsense.


Steve had barely lifted his fist from the door, when it was swung open. A nervous Mrs. Byers stared back at them before making a beeline towards Elle and wrapping her arms around the frame of the smaller girl.

A relived, yet unamused looking Hopper glared at the group from inside the house. Soon after the second incident, Steve lent a spare key for his house to the eldest Byers. While his mom was constantly out of town, accompanying his dad, Joyce was the closest thing to a mother figure he could get. He commissioned an extra to be made, just in case of another emergency.

Steve opened his mouth to begin negotiating the details with Hopper, hopefully he'll be able to exclude the part including the explosion. If he's really lucky, maybe he could exclude the whole expedition. Though, this was probably wishful thinking at best.

"Come in Mr. Harrington, let's have a nice talk, yeah?" Hopper grinded the words out, anger radiated off of him in waves. All of the pre-practiced, half assed excuses flew out his ears and stupidly big nose. Hopper locked into Steve with the most venomous glare he could probably muster. Yikes, his chances were not looking good.

Instinctively, Steve turned away unable to glance back at the older, stronger, gun-wielding man. While Steve was being threatened through eye contact, Joyce was checking Billy and El for injuries. Both of their gazes were also trained onto Steve.

Christ, was it, 'everyone stare at Steve' Day? He felt hot under the collar, unadjusted to all the intense attention.

Billy took a step forwards, but Hopper stopped him with one powerful glare. "ALONE."

A supportive hand clasped his shoulder. "I'll pay my respects at the funeral, Harrington."
Knowing Hargrove, the support didn't last for long, and the hand jumped off his shoulder as if the joint was toxic. In a weird way, the small gesture comforted him.

Hopper turned the corner, and into the kitchen, where Steve soon followed after. Hopper stopped by the kitchen countertop, leaning against it quite casually for a man who seemed bursting at the seems with anger. "Mind telling me why when I come home, Im left with this crude letter–" Hopper waved Els note in the air, pinched between two fingers. "–and with my daughter missing?"

Steve gaped, opening and closing his mouth, trying to formulate an excuse. "Well, Hopper, we–"

Hopper pinched his nose, exhausted. "Save the excuses Harrington, I want the truth. Im a bloody police officer, not a mall cop. I know how to do my job and recognize the simple signs of lying."

"Right, so El came to my house soon after we left, and before I knew it, I may have drove her to your cabin, and then the lab–" There was a shout, and Hopper slammed a fist on the granite countertop. Steve unintentionally flinched. "Hop ,do I need to go over there?" Piped up Joyce  from the foyer. Bless her heart, always concerned for others.

The Cop froze, took a deep breath, and effectively calmed himself down. "No Joyce, we're fine." Hopper sighed out the words, his hands clenched and unclenched. For a moment, Steve was internally convinced that the burly man was prepping himself to hit something, but no punches were thrown. "Look kid, I get that you're a brave soul who wants to thrust himself into every dire situation you witness. It's an admirable trait."

He lifted a finger and thrusted it onto Steves chest, his eyes narrowed, and Steve's fight or flight instinct flung into action as Hopper leaned in. "But if you drag my daughter into these antics, I will discharge my weapon, multiple times."
The words sounded like a promise, and Steve didn't doubt them for a second. He and Hopper had barely interacted, before the UpsideDown incident. Despite his bad boy reputation, Steve wanted to stay out of jail, preferably to keep himself in his father's good graces. Even after the world had gone to hell, their conversations were spread thin. The last time they sat down, was to discuss whether or not Steve had wanted to press charges against Billy.

He gulped and nodded stiffly. "Understood Sir."

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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