Chapter 1

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The ocelots, and the order of the pig, two groups, one considered a gang, the other just a simple club of people, were rivals.

The order consisted of Jesse their leader, Reuben, Olivia, Axel, And Petra, they were well known in the area for their builds and how great they worked as a team.

Meanwhile the ocelots, They consist of Lukas their leader, Aiden, Gill, and Maya. They were quite well known, and had a good reputation, they usually got what they wanted when they wanted it.

But some things weren't as easy to have.

Lukas woke up to his alarm clock blaring, he groaned softly pressing the button.

"Another day." He smiled a bit rolling out of bed, he stretched.

Lukas heard an intense knock on his door, he sighed opening it, revealing Aiden.

"Lukas ! There you are !" Aiden snapped a bit.

"What's bothering you this morning ?" He laughed, raising a brow.

"It's like almost 12pm! Why are you up so late ?!" He said a bit aggravated.

"I don't know..? I just felt like sleeping in." He crossed his arms.

"Well; while you were sleeping a new contest was announced." Aiden laughed

"oh- oh gosh!" Lukas began to panic a bit, "here let me get ready I'll meet you guys at the announcement board-" Lukas replied.

"Aight." Aiden nodded and walked off.

Lukas sped to get ready, he brushed his hair, making sure it was nice and neat, he got his causal attire on, and went outside, he set a plate of food on the deck and locked his house door, about 30 minutes later Lukas arrived at the town square.

"Hey! Ocelots! I'm here !" He called out.

"'Bout time." Aiden rolled his eyes.

"What took so long ?" Maya asked.

"Just took a while to get ready." He huffed.

Lukas noticed the order of the pig was also in the area, he smiled a bit.

"Well. Hey there." He smiled, though he was trying to be friendly, Axel didn't seem to get the message.

"What do you want?" Axel squinted, Jesse and Olivia stood behind him exchanging glances.

"I was just-"

"We're going to crush you in the contest." Aiden interrupted, standing in front of Lukas.

"Hey. I'd watch it." A figure spoke out, they gently moved Olivia and Jesse out of the way, turns out it was Petra.

"Oh Hey Petra-!" Lukas waved.

"So you're with the losers now?" Aiden smirked.

"I mean I wouldn't say losers that's a strong word Aiden." She smirked.

Maya, Gill, and Lukas just watched them speak.

"We will beat you in this building contest, like every other time." Aiden smirked.

"Eh. I mean you never know, the order might surprise you." Petra smirked.

"Yeah 'cause they got you." Lukas admitted smiling a bit.

Aiden looked at him confused.

"Do you want them to win-"


"Why are you smiling !"

"Why don't you mind your own business." He set a hand on his hip.

Petra slipped away from the little argument, the order quickly followed.

Lukas noticed immediately and sighed.

"Hold on."

"What're you doing now ?"

Lukas walked away from the group for a minute, "H-Hey guys," he said, "Good luck with the contest, May the best group win." He flashed a smile.

"Thanks Lukas." Jesse nodded.

They walk off.

"What was that all about ?" Maya asked.

"Just starting the competition smoothly." Lukas crossed his arms a bit, "So what's the theme of this contest?"

"we gotta build a model of a mob, passive or not, of choice."

"Sounds simple enough, we should build an Ender dragon. They'll think we'd go with an ocelot but, surprise! They were wrong." Lukas rambled.

"I like the way you think." Aiden grinned.

"That's why I am the leader." He winked.

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