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Amelia's POV

"Oh my god!" I yell. Daniels now running in the store like a maniac with a shopping cart that I'm in and grabbing a shit ton of candy and just throwing it at me.

"This is calling for diabetes" I laugh picking up the 10 pack of kitkats.

"Jonah!" Daniel says stopping the cart and reaching for his phone.
"Photoshoot!" Zach yells chucking in a dark chocolate bar.
"Ew dark chocolate?!" I say in disgust.
"Oh shit wait" he says running off with Jack.

Me and Daniel laugh and Jonah takes a couple of photos of us doing the weird poses.

"Can we get drinks?" I ask Daniel.
"What do you want?" He asks pushing the cart and take a sharp turn.
"For you not to do that and I would like redbull" I say.
My ass was numb because the cart gets uncomfortable after awhile.

He stops the cart and goes to get two packs of redbull.

"Anything else?" He asks looking around.
"Ooh!" I say pointing to iced tea.

I grab two peach teas and place them gently since they were glass.

"Okay enough" he says running to the front.

The whole store was empty and the employees couldn't care less.

We were in Walmart grabbing food for the tour bus and just fooling around because we were bored.

"Daniel Seavey slow down!" I yell.
"Nope" he says running even faster.
"Corbyn!" I yell as soon as I see him.

Corbyn starts running after Daniel but Daniel takes a turn and rushes through the clothes.

"Daniel James Seavey stop!" I laugh.
"I will not!" He says out of breath.

He finally stops and Zach sees me and starts climbing in.

"Hey, Hey!" I say blocking him so he can't.

He frowns and sticks his tongue out.

I get up and Daniel picks me up and places me down.
"Oh my god my ass" I say stretching.
The cashier gives me a weird look while scanning our items but I just smile and look at Daniel.

"I'm sorry" he laughs wrapping his arms around me.
I chuckle and hug him back. After while we both pull away and the cashier who looked 23 or something looked at me in disgust.

Okay what's with workers hating me?

"So how's your night?" I ask her trying to be nice.
"Good" she mumbles shoving the candy in the bag and unhooking it.

I nod and grab the bag and put it in the cart.
Daniel stands next to me and her cheeks heat up.
I raise my eyebrow and I see her getting all smiley.

I look at Daniel who was staring at the $5 CDs and looking through them.

"You wanna get some country music?" He laughs showing me the CD.
I roll my eyes and look at the total.

It kept going up.
Oh god.

I felt Daniels arm around my waist and he pulled me closer.
I don't think he noticed that he did that.
It was quiet and you could hear faint yelling that's probably Jack and Zach but it was just the scanning noise mostly.

I heard Daniel softly singing and I smiled.

"You two a thing?" She asks.
"Huh..um.." I say looking at Daniel. He was still lost in his own world so I looked back at her and shook my head.

"Sucks to suck" she fake frowns and laughs at the end.
"Like he'll ever want you" I mumble.
"Well he clearly doesn't seem interested in you" she says unhooking the bag.

I look at Daniels arm wrapped around me and look at her and raise my eyebrow.

"Well Okay sure" I say grabbing the bag and putting it in the cart.

"Okay so total is $214" she sighs.

I pull out my phone which had some cash but Daniel already handed her the money.

"Nope shh.." he says.
I roll my eyes and pushed the cart while Daniel got the change.

"Wait hold on" the girl says writing on the receipt.

"Here" She smiles handing it to Daniel.

Daniel takes it and looks at it before handing it back.
"I don't need it" he says walking away. I laugh while Daniel catches up to me.

We went to the tour bus and put all the bags into the room in the back and waited for the other boys.

"Man I'm tired" I yawn.
My eyes were feeling heavy and every time I closed them they would burn.

"Then go to bed" he smiles.
I laugh and climb up the bunk and layed down and stretched.

"Okay save the food for me and good night" I mumble.

Daniel laughs and nods.
"Goodnight Amelia"

Can't love you (Daniel Seavey, Why Don't we)Where stories live. Discover now