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Amelia's POV

"You know you guys can leave right you dont have to stay?" I say grabbing the blankets.
"No he's somewhere around here and you need to be ready" Zach says pointing the knife at me.

I sigh as he places the knife on my dresser.
Zach, Daniel, and Jonah have been staying at my house for awhile because they announce Matthew was around my area.

A week ago we planned what our plan would be and if anything went wrong like he grabs me while I lure him out...kill him on the spot.

"Amelia!" Daniel shouts waving his hands infront of me.
"Huh?" I say looking around as Jonah came up stairs and brought Chipotle.
"All the doors locked?" Zach asks as I get up while Jonah hands out Zach his burrito.

"Yes I'm 100% sure" he nods handing me my quesadilla.
"Thank you!" I smile unwrapping it.
Jonah smiles and sits down on the new bean bag i bought.

We installed cameras around the house and we had it playing on a small little TV.

"Where do you think he is right now?" I blurt out. Zach stops chewing and looks at Jonah.

"I honestly don't know" Jonah shrugs as Zach and Daniel agree.
I sigh as I stare at the screen.

I saw a green old car pass by...really slow.

"You okay?" Daniel asks resting his hand on my thigh which scared me.
"Yeah" I whisper smiling slightly.
I missed him and I wanted him back.

Then why aren't you going for him?
I don't know.

My phone starts ringing and I look at the screen with my moms picture.

I reach over and slide to answer.

"Hello?" I say taking a bite.
"Amelia?" She says confused.

"Hello mom?" I say louder. "Sorry honey I can't hear you..Ameli-
Her voice cuts off by a static sound.

"Mom!" I yell as Zach and Jonah get up.
"Put it on speaker!" Zach whispers.

I quickly put it on speaker as someone else starts talking.

"Oh Amelia..." Someone laughs in a deep voice.
"What do you want!?" I scream with tears coming down.

"For you to die!" He shouts "Now if you want to see Mom and Dad alive come to the West brook cliff"
I look at the boys and they sigh.

"C'mon...sis...no weapons" he says as Zach walks over to me with the knife.
"Put the knife down Zach" he chuckles.

Jonahs eyes widen and Zach looks around.
"I've had cameras everywhere...I'm always one step ahead" he laughs.

"How the hel-
"I put them there before I attacked Amelia..happy? Now come or say goodbye to mom and dad" he says cutting off Daniel and then hanging up.

"Is it too late to burn down the house?" Zach asks.
Daniel smacks him as I burst into tears.
"It's okay he never said that you couldn't go alone we'll be there" Jonah says hugging me.
I thank him as I wipe my tears.

"Let's go" Zach says while shoving a pocket knife in his pockets.

The night I die.
Great .


I step out of the car slamming the door as I see his back facing me.
"Never knew I would have more to kill" he smiles turning around with a gun.

I gasp as Daniel takes my hand and reassures me.
"What the fuck?!" Jonah says walking up behind me.
"Ah now I know what they mean by saying 'Don't bring a knife to a gun fight'" Zach says taking out the small knife he had.

Matthew laughs and starts to aim the gun at Daniel.

"WAIT!" I scream with tears again rolling down my cheeks. "Don't kill them you just want me dead right?!"
He doesn't say anything.

"Where's m-my mom and dad?!" I ask getting angry.
"Here" a familiar voice says behind me.

I turn around and see my mom and dad tied up while a gun was being pointed at them by..the woman who worked at taco bell?!

"H-hey why are you with him?!" I shout running over to my parents.
"I'm not" she says switching her aim to Matthew.
Jonah runs and unties my dad while I untie my mom.
"Everything is gonna be okay I love you guys so much" I say hugging them.

I hear a scream and I turn around and see Matthew grab Zach.
"NO!" We all scream.

"Kate bring me the girl" Matthew says as she grabs me and walks me toward him.

"It's okay" She whispers as I nod and looked at Daniel who was crying.

We stand across from each other as Kate pushes me towards him and he pushes Zach towards her.

I was actually on the edge of the very high cliff while practically freezing to death but doesn't matter I was either gonna get shot or pushed.

Matthew kicks the gun out of Kate's hand and pushes her next to me as she raised her hands up in defense.

"Daniel I love you and I'm sorry!" I scream sobbing as Matthew laughed and shook his head.

"I love you Amelia and I never meant to hurt you its jus-
"Bye" Kate says as she pushes me and blows me a kiss.
"AMELIA!" They all screamed.




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