Chapter one

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Kagome sighed as she sat in front of the fire. The nights were starting to become colder, signaling that winter was approaching. Shippo cuddled further into her lap as he slept, causing her to smile down at him and wrap the blanket that was covering them, tighter. Sango and Miroku were  slowly falling asleep as the warmth of the fire pulled them into slumber. Kagome was starting to get tired as well so she gently lifted Shippo into her arms, being careful not to wake him, and made her way over to her sleeping bag. She climbed in and placed Shippo into a comfortable position before falling asleep herself.
An hour later she was awoken by the sounds of moving branches and a light thud. She sleepily opened her eyes to see that Inuyasha had jumped out of the tree near the edge of their camp and was walking off into the forest. She was starting to wonder where he was going until she saw the soul collectors.
'Of course he's going to Kikyo when she calls. I wonder what they even talk about. She's been hell bent on killing him since she was resurrected and now all of a sudden she's changed her tune. Hmmm. I know I shouldn't spy but I want to know what they are talking about'. She quietly crawls out of her sleeping bag and begins to follow after him but is stopped when she hears a sleepy voice.
"Kagome? Where are you going?", Shippo asks as he sits up, rubbing his eyes. He looks around before realizing what's going on. "Kikyo's nearby isn't she? Inuyasha is gone and that's the only reasonable explanation." This causes Kagome to sigh and give a nod.
"I'm going to see what they are talking about. Are you coming with me?" He thinks for a minute before sighing and running over to her, jumping into her arms.
"I'll come but Kagome you might not like what you see"
"I know Shippo but I want to make sure she isn't a threat to our group" with that they follow after Inuyasha. Kagome makes sure she covers hers and Shippo's scent so Inuyasha won't know they are nearby. After a few minutes of walking quietly they begin to hear voices, and hide behind a thick tree as they come upon the pair. Kagome subconsciously hugs Shippo slighter as she sees the pair in each others arms. Shippo and her share a glance before they listen in on the conversation.
"Inuyasha what are your feelings for me?", Kikyo asks as she strokes Inuyasha's cheek.
"Kikyo you know I love you. Why do you feel that you need to ask?"
"You say you love me but my reincarnation still travels with you. Do you not also remember that I am dead. There is no heart that beats within my chest. I would not be able to provide you the things you seek in a future wife and mate".
"I'll find a way to bring you back to life. And the reason Kagame still travels with us is because she is our friend and she's helping us find the jewel shards. There is nothing between her and I"
   His words hurt Kagome but she knew that he had never had feelings for her and had began moving on, but regardless the words still stung.
"You know the only way to give me life would be to take back the remainder of my soul that resides within her. I won't do that no matter how much I desire life. But it is dangerous for her here. Send her home and I shall join your group and help find the shards. Then she shall be safe and I can have you to myself"
"But Kagome would hate me if I did that and so would our friends. They would never get to see her again. She's also a mother to Shippo. He would be heartbroken to have her taken away from him"
"Would you rather die then? Naraku will try to use her against you if given the chance. Do you want that?"
" Fine I'll send her home", Inuyasha said, his ears flattening. Kagome and Shippo had decided that they had heard enough and slipped away, making their way back to the camp.
"How dare he decide to send me home as if I have no say in the matter. I respect Kikyo for what she said but I also know that she's trying to get me to leave because she wants me out of the picture. News flash clay pot I don't want your man. Hmph well good luck trying to find me, I'm leaving", kagome said as she began to pack up her sleeping bag.
"Where are you going to go?", Shippo asked as he helped her.
"I'll go into the western lands and find Sesshomaru"
"But Kagome Sesshomaru doesn't like humans. What makes you think he's going to let you travel with him?"
"You're right he doesn't like humans, but he takes care of Rin and she's human. That shows that he's slowly changing. Besides I'm sure that if I mention helping take care of her and keep her safe he might just let me stay. It I won't know unless I try. Besides I can't stay here with the others. After hearing that conversation I've lost trust in Inuyasha"
"Well you aren't going off alone. I'm coming with you"
"Shippo are you sure? You don't want to stay here with the others?"
"No. Inuyasha got one thing right in that you're a mother to me. I don't want to leave you" Those words caused Kagome's heart to swell with love.
"Alright you can come but let's write a note to Sango and Miroku", she said pulling out some paper and a pencil and writing a quick note explaining what happened. After she was done she placed it near Sango where she would see it and grabbed her yellow backpack and her bow and arrows. Shippo jumped into her arms and they masked their scent before heading out of the camp towards the west. She was going to made damn sure Inuyasha wouldn't find them unless they wanted to be found.
When Inuyasha returned back to the camp near dawn, his mind was heavy with guilt. He looked to where Kagome was sleeping only to notice that she was gone and so were her things. He thought nothing of it, thinking that she had decided to home for a while. He was annoyed that she hadn't told him, but considering what he was planning on doing he couldn't be mad. He sat at the base of the tree he was in earlier and became lost in thought. Soon Miroku and Sango woke up and also noticed that Kagome was gone.
"Did Kagome go back home in the middle of the night?", Sango asked as she looked at Inuyasha.
"I'm assuming she did", he said as he stood up.
"What do you mean you assume? Weren't you here?", she asked getting suspicious.
"I went for a walk", he said getting nervous.
"No you didn't go for a walk you went to see Kikyo again. Kagome probably got fed up and stormed home!"
Miroku who had been quiet during this exchange, noticed a piece of folded paper near Sango's hand. Kilala was sniffing it and mewed.
"Sango that might be from Kagome", he said pointing at the paper. Sango looked down and noticed it and swiftly picked it up to unfold it, after which she began reading it. Soon after she stood up furiously and walked over to Inuyasha, slapping him hard across the face.
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!", he yelled clutching his face.
"Inuyasha how dare you?! You were going to send Kagome home permanently and let Kikyo take her spot?!" She was preparing to smack him again but Miroku intervened and held her back trying to calm her down.
"How the hell did you know that" Inuyasha asked shocked.
"Kagome and Shippo followed you and heard your conversation with Kikyo. So to avoid being sent home against her will, they left!"
Inuyasha was shocked that she had followed him, but he should have been able to smell that she was near him. That is unless her powers had improved without him knowing or realizing it. Coming out of his thoughts he looked around and noticed that Shippo was also gone.
"Where did she go?" He asked as he looked back at Sango.
"I don't know she didn't say but why would I tell you even if she had?"
"Sango it's dangerous for her to be alone. Shippo can hold his own because he's a demon but Kagome is human!"
"Oh so you're saying she's weak?"
"Of course not but she doesn't have the training that the rest of us do. There's demons that even she can't take down" Inuyasha began to try to sniff out her scent but came up empty. Her scent didn't leave the camp.
"She's masked her scent. There's no way for me to find her now"
'Kagome please forgive me'

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