Chapter 6

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It had been about a few months since Kagome started staying with Sesshomaru and she could say that she was much happier. They had left a few days after they arrived at the castle and by then most of the demons there had warmed up to her. She had grown closer to Sesshomaru too. They would travel during the day in comfortable silence and say a few words here and there but at night when the children went to bed along with Jaken and A-Un, they would spend a few hours talking about random things, like the weather, what their favorite season was or even their favorite reading material.
He had even been training her on perfecting her spiritual barrier and making it stronger against attacks. Now she could hold her shield until she decided to let it go. They had been traveling in the southern lands for a few days and had encountered a few demons with jewel shards which after Sesshomaru and kagome defeated them, she added the new jewel shards to her collection.They were currently sitting together against a tree with his mokomoko wrapped around her.
"I have to leave in the morning. By the time you wake i will be gone. I'm going to see Bokusenō i should be back in a few days", sesshomaru said as he watched the stars.
"I must admit I'm going to miss you. I haven't really been away from you since i joined you. I find it hard to believe you've let me become close to you. I used to think that you would never change your way of thinking when it came to humans", kagome said as she glanced up at him. He looked at her from the corner of his eye and she could have sworn that she saw a small smile appear on his face.
"It's only for a few days You'll have Rin to keep you company. I would count jaken too but he's annoying more often than helpful. And as for me changing my way of thinking, you and Rin helped do that. If not for you both then i would still hold a hatred for humanity"
"I'm sure that if he heard you say that he would break down into tears", kagome said giggling "I'm glad you've changed. I like this side of you". This time she could see the smile on his face.
"Sleep kagome. You need your rest"
"Alright. Good night Lord Sesshomaru"
"Just Sesshomaru. When its just our pack you can call me Sesshomaru"
"Alright. Goodnight Sesshomaru"
He watched as she slowly fell asleep. Before looking back up at the night sky.
'Father you're rubbing off on me. But i guess its not so much of a bad thing anymore. I now understand what you meant when you asked if i had something to protect. Well now i do', he thought as he looked at his pack. But his sight lingered the longest on kagome before he rested himself.
When kagome woke up the sun was rising and sesshomaru was about to leave. She stood up and dusted off her red kimono that she had changed into before they left on their journey. Noticing movement, sesshomaru turned his head towards her and gave a small ghost of a smile.
"You should still be asleep", he said as he watched her walk over to him.
"I know but i guess my body knew you were leaving and woke me up so i could see you off", she said smiling up at him. The suns early morning rays gave his silver hair a golden glow.
"Thank you. Ill be back in a few days. Try not to miss me too much", he said placing his hand on her cheek before stepping away and taking off into the sky. Kagome watched him fly away until she could no longer see him before she walked over to where Rin and Shippo were sleeping, sitting down to rest her back against Ah- Un. She figured since sesshomaru was gone she would have to mask hers and Shippo's scent again until he came back. With that thought she put her powers to use.
A little while later Rin and Shippo woke up and rubbed their eyes trying to rub away the sleep that still clung to them. Rin was the first to notice that sesshomaru was gone.
"Where's Lord Sesshomaru mommy", she asked, looking all around for him.
"He had some business with Bokusenō. He said hell be back in a few days. Until then we will have to find something to do. But i say we stay in the area so he doesn't have to search that much for us", kagome said as she pulled Rin over to her and began brushing her hands through the little girls hair.. from there she braided Rin's hair in a simple braid and tied it off with the ribbon that Rin had used for her side ponytail. When she was done Rin smiled up at her
"Thank you mommy"
"You're welcome sweetheart", she said doing her own hair into an inverted bun to keep it out of the way.
After everyone was awake, including jaken, who grumbled about wanting to stay put but giving in because he didn't want Sesshomaru mad at him, they made their way to a nearby flower field that they had seen the day before. They spent the day making flower crowns and necklaces. They also annoyed jaken by placing them all over him. The day was going well and was almost over when out of nowhere a large troll demon burst into the clearing. Kagome, upon seeing this quickly ushered the children and Jaken behind her, and created her barrier.
"Let me out of this damn barrier i can defeat this nuisance!", jaken yelled as he tried to get out but the barrier kept pushing him back.
"It's no use jaken. The barrier does as i command it and right now no one leaves it. You really think that your fire is going to penetrate his thick skin? Have you even looked it over", kagome said as she chided him.
"Of course i have. You underestimate the power of my staff. It was given to me by Lord Sesshomaru"
"Come out of your protective barrier human. Give me the jewel shards", the demon said advancing upon them. Kagome, not wanting the demon to come closer to her children, stepped out of the barrier and away from it so his attention would be directed at her.
"Momma no! It's too dangerous!", Shippo yelled as he tried to run after her but was pushed back. Rin was too frightened to say anything and just watched in horror as the demon advanced upon her mother.
"You will leave this area or i shall show you no mercy", she said pulling her bow off her shoulder and notching an arrow.
"Who do you think you are to order me around. I listen to no one", the demon said as he lunged forward to swipe his claws at her. Kagome waited till he was in close range before charging her arrow with her power and letting it fly. The demon cried out in pain as soon as the arrow struck and it began to purify. Kagome watched until she was sure the demon was dead before turning to walk away from the corpse. But as soon as her back was turned, she felt a force fling her into the air and heard her children cry out for her as she landed hard on the ground near the barrier. She struggled to stay conscious as she looked over at the demon that struggled to get to his feet and pulled out her arrow before flinging it away.
"You'll pay for that you bitch"
"Kagome let me out of this damn barrier. Sesshomaru will be upset if you didn't let me at least try to help you", jaken said getting anxious.
"Fine", kagome said relenting and letting him out of the barrier. She could see it waver as she was struggling to stay awake. She shook her head and reached for her bow that was a few feet away from her and notched anther arrow as she came to a kneeling position. Jaken stood in front of her and let out a stream of fire from his staff of two heads. The demon cried in pain and tried to swipe at jaken but kagome let loose another arrow charged with her powers and the demon finally fell to the ground, dead.
"Take that you pathetic excuse for a demon", jaken yelled at the corpse, kicking it. Kagome smiled at his antics, and went to stand up but fell back to her knees, feeling a pain in her side. She looked down and could see blood forming on her kimono. The demon must had got her with his claws when he flung her through the air.
"Jaken are there any more demons in the area", she asked as she looked at him.
"No I don't sense any more", he said as he turned to look at her. Upon seeing the blood on her kimono he started to freak out. "Oh no you're bleeding. Lord sesshomaru is going to kill me! I'm dead I'm dead!"
"Jaken I'm ok. I can heal it. It will just take some time and ill have to unmask our scent in order to do so. Ill need all my powers so I'm asking you to keep a vigilant look out while i heal"
"Of course", jaken said, calming down.
"Are you gonna be ok mommy?", Rin said as she came up to her as soon as the barrier disappeared.
"Of course sweetheart ill be ok. But lets go back to camp", kagome said patting her head before forcing her body to stand, hiding any signs of pain from her children, and they slowly walked back to the campsite. As soon as they sat down kagome got to work on healing herself. It would be a few days before she was really able to move freely without being in pain.


Inuyasha and the group were walking towards a village so they could rest for the night. Kikyo had joined them a few days ago and needless to say sango and miroku weren't happy. They felt as though inuyasha was betraying kagome by having her with them and it seemed like he might still go through with his plan to send her home if they found her.
They were almost to the village when inuyasha suddenly stopped. The others turned to look at him curiously while he sniffed the air like a madman.
"Inuyasha what are you doing", sango asked looking at him with an eyebrow raised.
"Ive caught her scent!", he said as he turned in the direction it was coming from, still sniffing.
"Really?", miroku asked surprised. He looked over at kikyo and could see she wasn't pleased by the news.
"Cmon we have to go find her before she covers it up again", he said before gesturing for Kikyo to get on his back. She hesitated before sighing and getting on. as soon as she was on he began running. Sango and miroku looked at each other, sharing looks of uncertainty before having Kirara transform and followed after him. They traveled for a few hours before finally stopping to rest for the night. As they all drifted off to sleep, inuyasha stayed awake watching the night sky.
'I'm going to find you Kagome'

A new path (SesshomaruXkagome)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora