school can succ my dicc

16 1 0

im sorry school work has been kicking my ass 

lmao im just lazy sorry

blind mouse is john 

plant or vegan? is geo 

peace and love is ringo 

help!  is paul 


blind mouse: yall can succ it 

blind mouse: mimi can succ it

blind mouse:everyone can succ it

blind mouse: i am not returning to school periodt


help!: he at least was forward about it?

plant or vegan?:Mimi called me and said john wrecked his room and locked himself in his closet 

peace and love: from one closet and into another a john lennon story 

help!:how dare you make me  snort richard  its not funny 

peace and love:Paul is a confirmed coke addict 

help!:stop spreding rumours dick starr 

plant or vegan?:or truths paul we know your little secret;)

plant or vegan?:Anyways well we can find another john so dont worry 

peace and love:wtf Geo?? John is our friend he HAS to come to school with us 

help!: I agree with aziraphale. John is john and nobody can replace him

peace and love:did you just call me aziraphale?

plant or vegan ?changed peace and love's name to aziraphale 

help!:sorry good omens is so good 

aziraphale :what the actual fuck

plant or vegan?: hmmm

plant or vegan? :okay yeah lets get crowley back here, i miss the twat 

help! added blind mouse 

aziraphale changed blind mouse's name to crowley 

crowley: I know this was pauls doings cause his queen instagram turned into a good omens fan page 

help!:its a gear show shut up 

crowley changed plant or vegan?'s name to gabriel

gabriel: jon hamm is a good actor so idc 

help!:David Tennant is an actual angel and Michael Sheen is an actual demon and you cant convince me otherwise 

crowley: and I wont, cause thats the truth 

gabriel changed help!'s name to god

god:i dont believe that I can be god but eh, shes ok

crowley:Ill come back to school, if mimi can cough up a few things:)


this was from a year ago lmao ewww 

ill update this dont worry

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2020 ⏰

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