Chapter 3

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??? POV

(Warning: contains abuse, bullying, harassment and harmful language. Read at own risk)












I sat and listened silently as the girl I had come to know very well told me about her awful day. when those kids came, I had wished that they had been those kids that were always bullying her, or that asshole that she called her father. I was slightly disappointed when she deterred the kids from touching the tree, but I admired her selflessness and the way that, even though this world seemed to hold no love for her, she shared hers with open arms, taking every hit for others. It was one of the reasons I allowed her on my tree all those years ago, and the reason that I leave small gifts for her on the branches she claims for sleeping. I wish to take her away, but I must abide by the rules that reside above this world. But I show my love and care for her, through the protection on this tree I provide, the warnings away from my brother's half of the tree, and by being an open ear for her. How badly I wished to whisk her away into the safety of my arms, and protect her from the world. All she had to do was eat one of my apples...

Frisk POV

I sighed as I watched the clock strike ten till my lunch period ended. I climbed out of the tree, shouldering my backpack once more. As I walked down the street, I noticed a commotion on the other side of the street. A large crowd, staring at something in the middle of their gossip huddle. As I got to school, upperclassmen were chatting about it. Apparently three skeletons were looking for someone. I shrugged it off as a myth and walked inside, taking a different rout to my next class after seeing who was waiting for me down my normal route. ​*Cough* Jeff *Cough* hurrying to class, I breathed a sigh of relief as I walked into the mostly empty classroom, taking my seat without a word.


The school day was over, and I was hoping for a couple hours at the tree, but the principal called me into his office, looking worried. "Yes Mr. Tucker?" I asked, peering around the door. Three strange looking people stood around his desk. "Please do come in Ms. Mercy." The principal said. I shuffled in nervously, glancing occasionally at the strangers in the room. The principal gave me a nervous grin. "Do you happen to know... these... um... skeletons?" He asked, his gaze flicking to the three others. I turned and looked at them, and indeed they were skeletons. My eyes widened in curiosity, as I looked them up and down. One wore a blue, white and grey battle suit and a blue scarf, one wore a brown and tan shirt with blue markings and brown suspenders, a light blue jacket tied around his waist, brown shorts and shoes, and a bullet belt filled with different paints, and the third wore a light blue, white and golden robe of sorts, dark blue shorts and brown boots, with a golden cape. On his head was a simple golden crown. When his gaze met mine, I felt the same sort of forbidding I did whenever I neared the golden side of the tree. I frowned slightly. He had a strangely happy aura about him. The three smiled kindly at them. I turned back to the principal. "No I don't know them." I said calmly, facing the principal. "Oh that's easy! I'm Blue, but you can call me Blueberry!" The blue scarfed one said. "And this is Ink," He pointed to the one with all the paints strapped to his chest, and then he pointed to the golden one. "and that's Dream!" He concluded happily. I chuckled, "Nice to meet you all, my name is Frisk." I said quietly. "There! Now you know us! Lets go!" Blueberry said, grabbing my hand and leading me outside and away from the protests of our principal. 

I have no idea when this will load and update, my internet is acting funny today. Right now its 7:39 pm... anyway! See you next week! Bye bye for now! ~ OpalPheonix♡

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