Chapter 5

341 11 5

Frisk POV

(Warning: contains abuse, bullying, harassment and harmful language. Read at own risk)












Grogginess lingered as I slunk through the dark back to my miserable home. It was a drab, simple, two bedroom apartment, gray walls on the outside, grey walls on the inside. A simple kitchenette/living room greeted you when you walked through the front door, and down the small hall were four doors. My dads bedroom, my bedroom, the bathroom and then the alcohol closet. I slid through my window, grabbing my clothes for the day and sliding into them before grabbing my backpack and hurrying to the kitchen. On my way there I caught sight of the woman sleeping next to my dad, so I hurried to the kitchen and doubled my usual preparations, setting the table for two. I snagged a piece of toast and ran out the door, making a bee line for the tree. I munched on my toast and watched the sun rise from the safety of the ashen branches, leaning back into its rough embrace as color filled the sky, and the city around me slowly stirred to life. With a forlorn sigh I slid out of the tree and began my trek to school. I found it ironic that I was one of those girls who had awful lives, were constantly mentally and physically abused, but one day all those girls like me in the books would be taken away by some dashing stranger, fall in love, and live an amazing life. I dreamed that something like that would happen all the time, sometimes talking to my tree about my fantasies. But I had gotten over them, accepting the fact it would never happen. I slipped through the side door of the school, heading straight for the cafeteria like always. I waved to Tyler as I caught sight of him, dropping my backpack on the seat next to me. "Good morning Mr. Tyler." I said quietly, smiling at him. He grinned. "Morning early bird. Did you eat this morning?" He asked, coming closer. I nodded. "You don't need to worry about me." I said shyly, frowning. He shook his head. "Your a good kid, Frisk. No matter what ya think, some of us care about ya." He said, giving me a warm smile. I smiled sheepishly back, warmth surging into my chest.

~TeM sKIp to AfTa ScHuUL Owo~

(We will never talk of that again.)

I scrambled up the tree, my panicked, jerky movements causing me to scrape up my arms and legs. I pulled my leg up, narrowly escaping the groping hand that reached for me. Tears streamed down my face as I huddled myself on a thick branch, far from Jeff's reach. "Slut! Get back down hear. I ain't done with you!" He shouted, jumping to reach for me. He carefully avoided touching the tree as he looked for a way to get me down. The switchblade that was carefully concealed in his hand glinted at me, promising pain. A small whimper escaped my lips as I scrambled up higher, dragging my backpack and sketchbook with me. Jeff glared up at me, inching closer to the tree. "Freak!"  He yelled. I continued climbing, but a black branch broke from beneath my hand, falling down and smacking Jeff on the head. He rubbed his head, looking outraged, before freezing, a look of absolute horror crossing his face. He shakily brought his hand up to eye level, staring at it as it turned gray and crumbled into nothing. In seconds all that was left was a pile of rubble. My hands clasped over my mouth, horror stricken. Shouts could be heard from people in the park, and I began to panic. Eat an apple. A voice hissed in my ear. Shakily I reached up and twisted an apple off the branches that hung above me, hesitantly bringing it to my mouth. His death will be blamed on me. My life has been hell. Maybe... maybe I should just end it... I thought. Determination surged through me, and I bit into the apple, chewing and swallowing. A strong surge of déjà vu flowed through my veins, my vision began to swim, and nausea pounded through my senses. As my vision faded, I could almost swear I saw a black, gooey, grinning skeleton looking down at me...

AlMosT DoNE gOdDamN iT! We are getting somewhere!!! Anyway... see ya next week! Bye bye for now! ~ OpalPheonix  ♡

Roses and Shadows a DreamTale Frisk x Nightmare! SansTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang