Serving Looks

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Author's Note: Don't be fooled by the title/description. This isn't just a story about Auradon and the Isle, it's also about Soulmates. I've made some changes to things, hopefully I don't confuse you too much. For starters, in this AU Captain Hook was one of the 'good guys', and as such Harry and his siblings are Auradonians. His father transitioned from pirate captain to more or less a captain of the navy kind of position. In addition to that another major change is that not all of the villains stayed villainous or were actually that bad of people, some of them were pushed and goaded into doing something bad. Instead of rotting and evil festering on the Isle, they found a way to thrive under the garbage and decay they were given. Lamps and lights repurposed to create sort of greenhouses, creation of water filters, adaptation and repair of technology, natural 'potions' that didn't need magic to act as medicines, and more that helped the people of the Isle really live and thrive. The parents see how they used to fight for power, and as their children get older, they relinquish a lot of the 'governmental' power to them as not only are they the future, but they see things in a different or new light than they all do.

This story picks up after the AK's have arrived on the Isle.

Due to character limits the full summary did not fit in the description box, as such I've included it in my author note.

Full summary: Truthfully, nobody expected the people of the Isle of the Lost to really live, let alone thrive. Ben and most of his friends grew up not liking the idea of the Isle and the other kids being forced to live there, but they didn't know the extent of it because King Adam want them to.

So, after Ben's coronation they go to the Isle to see what it's really like for the villains and their kids and learn the hard truth of it all. The Isle only gets what Auradon throws away. They are sick and hurt and nobody in Auradon will speak up against King Adam because when they do, thy get threatened to the Isle themselves.

The group of kids didn't really know what to expect when they arrived on the Isle. After learning the Isle only received Auradon's trash, they thought it'd be bad, but they weren't expecting it to be this dark, dirty, and gloomy. Blinking neon that appeared to be close to giving out surrounded them, the dark evening helping hide their obviously not from the Isle clothing a tad.

They crept around corners, looking for a place to trade their ostentatious, bright, and clean clothing for something that would help them blend in while they were here.

"Look." Jane whispered with a point. "Evie's" she read, "I think that's a boutique of some kind." Audrey humped, not wanting to lose the pretty pale baby pink dress. "I am not changing." She crossed her arms as they walked in, a bell tinkling to signal arrival.

"Audrey, do you want us to get caught?" Lonnie almost hissed in a low voice. "Do you not see how badly we stick out here?"

She scowled at the other girl, crossing her arms as she looked around in disgust. Audrey opened her mouth to tell her she was not about to pay to dress in the rags on the hangers like a low-life villain, but a voice cut her off.

"My, my, my. What do we have here?"

The entire group jumped before seeing the girl by the table next to them. Chad smirked at her, leaning on the table. "Why hello there blue-tiful." He said flirtatiously. She raised an eyebrow and leaned forward, her elbows on the table, chin resting in her hand as asked with a smile, "What brings you here today?"

"Uh, well we just wanted to get some new clothes." Ben spoke up before Chad could.

She nodded looking them up and down. "I might have something that'll work for you guys." She tapped a finger on her chin thoughtfully as she gazed at each of them. "Ooh." She winced, "Girl, your outfit definitely needs some help. Who even sold you that monstrosity?" She gestures to Audrey's dress, who promptly turned red and opened her mouth to protest the offense.

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