So Much for Blending In

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            Summary: The AK's are spotted, and Ben is recognized.

After leaving Evie's, the seven teens started to explore the streets of the Isle. They saw the poor condition and garbage these people were given, and they weren't happy. Ben was absolutely furious with his father.

"It's really late and we really aren't properly prepared to stay here." Jane quietly spoke up. "We should probably go home to get things we'll need and come back tomorrow." the others nodded in agreement and looked to Ben who sighed and reached into his pockets for the barrier remote, only to freeze. "Uh, guys?" he asked with wide eyes, "Did any of you take the remote?"

"What?" Audrey screeched, and Lonnie almost slapped her for drawing more attention. "What do you mean you don't have it?"

"Do you think someone stole it?" Jane asked at the same time Doug asked, "Did you make sure to take it from your other jacket back at the shop?"

"Yes, I know I did. I made sure to zip my pocket up once I put it in there." Ben's hand went to his head and his fingers curled around the beanie hat in frustration.

"Hey, do I know you?" they turned to the newcomer and were surprised by the genuinely nice smile they were wearing. "Uh, no. No you don't." Ben shook his head and tried to look nonchalant. "No, yeah I do. I'm sure I do." he insisted.
"Yeah mate, you look familiar." Harry drawled, "Can't place ma finger on it though."

"Don't you remember me? My name is Gil." He told them, looking frustrated as he tried to remember them before his eyes set on something behind them. Squinting at it he pointed at it before turning back to Ben, and then back to the poster they just saw was behind them. Surprise filled them when they saw a poster of Ben, his mother Queen Belle, and his father King Adam. It made them wonder who had put it up. Their eyes were drawn to the red painted 'X' right on Adam's face. "Hey." he blinked, "You're King Ben."

With wide eyes they looked back to the boy in front of them. "Uh, no I'm not?" he tried. "Yeah, you're King Ben." He nodded, excited. Uma would have a field day with this. "You should come with me." He invited, but they turned and ran. "Hey! Wait!" He called after them as they rounded a corner and rushed into a building. He blinked as he himself rounded the corner, unsure where they had gone. Shaking his head, he turned and headed to the docks to see his captain.

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