The Gang's All Here

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Author Note: Here we go, another chapter up and posted! Ben finally gets to (sort of briefly) meet Mal! I hope you enjoy this update!

I would have posted earlier this weekend, but I didn't have internet for most of it.

Chapter Summary: In which Lonnie, Jay, Jane, and Carlos join the party on the Lost Revenge, and Mal decides she really doesn't care for a certain pink princess.

Ben was surprised by how at ease he and his friends were with the Pirate crew after they'd been untied. Uma had actually murmured what must have passed for an Isle apology to him, telling him she had sent for them so they could meet, Isle leader to Auradon leader. They hadn't expected them to think they were being ambushed instead of escorted, and as such felt the ropes were necessary.

Doug still looked flustered as Evie relentlessly flirted with him now that he knew who she was. She was sitting on the stairs while he leaned a railing next to her. Ben thought she was just enjoying making him blush (He was right). Audrey sat herself down right next to Chad, who was still tied up due to his own stupidity. She had huffed and plopped herself down, keeping the blonde company. The only one next to him right now was Harry, who was also leaning against the railing. Uma had stayed by them, and had let Harry pull her against him, her back flush against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her middle and rested his chin on her shoulder. He was actually surprised that she seemed reluctant to let Harry let her go and nestled into his arms as far as was even possible. At his confused look she explained. "Cecaelia are quite... tactile." she gave him a sideways look, "So are fae."

He didn't have time to ponder that last remark or why shed even bothered telling him that because at the same time she spoke the door she came through earlier opened and out came Jane on the arm of the boy he assumed was Carlos. From the looks of it she was fine, more than fine actually. Ben didn't think he'd seen such a wide smile on her face since they were little.

The last time he'd seen her smile like that he and Harry had dated her to fly as high as she could, Harry teasing her that she must be scared of heights since they never saw her fly. The scolding they got from their parents and Fairy Godmother was honestly, still one of the worst they'd even received. He'd never seen his father so angry and outraged. He became so afraid of that anger, so afraid of messing something up and seeing his father so... beastly again that he smiled and waved and never said or did anything that his father told him not to do. Until after the crown and power had been fully transferred to him of course.

Bellowing laughter drew his attention from the quiet duo in near matching outfits towards the docks. He smiled as he saw Lonnie hold her hands up victoriously as she stumbled to a stop, as the boy behind her a few steps caught up. Instead of stopping he grabbed her around the waist from behind and spun her in a circle. "JAY!" She squealed, mock annoyance in her voice, but she was clearly enjoying the attention. "Well, there's Lonnie and Jay. I was wondering when they'd show their faces." He heard Evie muse, and jumped a little. He hadn't even heard her and Doug approach.

The glinting of uncharacteristic jewelry on Lonnie caught Ben's eye. "When did Lonnie start wearing jewelry?" He couldn't stop the question that slipped from his mouth.

"Hmm?" Evie glanced over again, "Oh, if she didn't wear jewelry before, she always will now. It's kind of a Djinn soulmate claiming thing." She shrugged and waved her hand in nonchalance as though it were the most obvious thing in the world, and Ben started in surprise. "A what?"

Evie looked at him with curiosity. "You don't know about djinn soulmate rituals do you?" At his look she nodded, "Right, well Djinn are extremely possessive, and just like cecaelia." She gestured to Uma who sent her a look even as she was leaving lipstick marks on Harry's skin. The cecaelia girl had begun ignoring them a few minutes ago and had instead opted to pay more physical attention to Harry, who clearly didn't mind. "As you can see, she is obviously marking her territory to ward off anyone else who is interested in her soulmate. Djinn do something similar, but it's usually less... physical? They usually adorn their soulmates with extravagant clothing and jewelry, and I happen to know Jay has been collecting pieces for, like, years."

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