Chapter 13 - The escape

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A/N: ok so I understand yesterdays chapter didn’t give much away and was a tad boring. BUT I am giving you another one today to make up for not updating for so long. AND because I wont be able to update this Sunday because I wont be home. I will be at my graduation ceremony were I officially receive my certificate for my Bach. of Environmental Management. Yay me.  I start my masters in January, woo! Anyways moving on,


PLEASE GIVE ME SOME LOVE – im feeling lonely =((( xoxo



PS; again, this is not edited.  And it’s a little shorter because trust me, the next chapter needs to be on its own. Hehehehe. ;)



Ellie had lain on the floor for what felt like days, simply waiting for the shock of pain that invaded her body every so often.  Her body couldn’t tolerate it and her ears and nose bled out as Gallen, the male next door, ignored her cries of suffering.  Although, she did suppose this punishment would be worse if she were someone else but at that moment in time she wished that her sentence had been death.  She didn’t have to strength to lift herself to the bed and kept lapsing in and out of cousiouness.

Growling noises echoed through out the cell and almost frightened Ellie until she realized It was her own stomach.  How long since she had last eaten? God knows. If she was ever released from this glass confinement she would swear to never see or speak to him again until she could promise his death at her hands.  Being on death row cause feelings of sadness for her former life to spur and Ellie cried for her family.  But it didn’t have to be her former life, It could be hers again.  When was someone of FATE – if it even existed – going to give her the chance to do something about it?  To get home, to get away.  After all, she had broken through the compulsion spell the witches had casted in order to make her feel sated here, if only she could figure out how to break others minds. 

The pain came again and Ellie waited for the relief so she could re gain her thoughts.  All she had to do was get out of this building and she could live on the island without being caught until she could figure out plan b.  Camping through out her life time and her natural ability to just be with nature gave her hope that she could survive.  Without fire though? Anything that could attract attention would be a no go and the land out there was going to be wet. Hmmmmmmm.


Gaining the strength the get up as the pain finally left her body she stood up and banged on the glass, “Let me out of here you bastard! I will kill you if it the last thing I do, I SWEAR it you stupid ass blood sucker!”.  Collapsing with exhaustion on the small bed, something jabbed her in the bad.  A lump under the mattress.  Ellie adjusted and rolled over in an attempt to get comfortable but was interrupted but a tapping on the glass.

Gallen had finally moved his body and was facing her sitting up in his bed.  He stopped tapping on the glass and pointed to the bed.  What does he want?  The bed? Ellie gathered that he wasn’t speaking words because he didn’t want anyone to hear.  She pointed to the bed in question and he nodded.  She slid off the bed trying to be extra quiet and lifted the mattress to find the cause of the lump in the mattress.  A knife.  A pocket knife. 

Ellie looked up to Gallen and mouthed, What?.  How did it get there? Yet she already thought that somehow he had helped her and placed it there.  Well someone had.  Gallen put his pointer finger to his plump lips and pointed to the hallway and right on cue she could hear heals clicking down the run and instantly hid the knife behind her back. Heals, that means a women. 

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