Waste Love 1/2

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A/N: This does have a second part. If you guys want me to post it then drop a comment and let me know!

I woke up to an empty bed and the worst feeling in my stomach. It was now 8:00 am and Colson still hadn't come home. I'd been waking up off and on all night and the later (or earlier, I guess I should say) it got the worse this feeling got. I couldn't tell if it was because I was worried if Colson was okay or if it was because I was worried about what he'd been doing all night but either way I wanted it gone. Just as I was picking up my phone to call him I heard the front door slam shut and the noise did very little to easy my horrible gut feeling. "Kells, Baby is that you?" I called as I slipped on my robe and walked into the hallway. I was met with a still half decent looking Colson who seemed to be in a pretty good mood but I still couldn't shake that feeling. He met me halfway down the hallway and smiled down at me while he slipped past me and into our bedroom. "Hey baby, I'll hug you after I take a shower, I just feel gross after being out all night, you know?" He said as he grabbed a towel and headed to our bathroom. "Uh, yeah that's fine." I was kind of in shock at how nonchalant he was acting about the fact that he was out all night without calling me. "Hey Kells", I called into the bathroom, "Where were you all night? I was worried." He poked his head out from the bathroom with a smirk, "Aww you were worried about me?" He joked, but I could tell something was up. "Yeah, I just like to have a little heads up if you're gonna be out all night, you know that." I was trying not to sound like a bitch but I don't think it was working. "Nah, I get that! I was at the studio with the guys until like 3 and then we went to the club and stayed until close, then we went and got breakfast cause it was already 7:00 am by then." He answered like it was no big deal and, truth be told, any other time it wouldn't have been, but something was up; I could feel it in my gut. Something was wrong with this picture, I just couldn't figure out what. So, like any curious girlfriend, I started snooping. I made my way into the bathroom before speaking again and I could feel the tension between the two of us. It's like he knew what was about to go down. "So, did you get anything done at the studio?" I asked nonchalantly as I started to pick up his pants. "Yeah, I did! A few good verses and Rook got some beats down." He said with mock excitement. I went through his pockets as he continued to elaborate on what happened at the studio. I found two receipts, one of which was from the club, along with a baggie that I knew had had coke in it. I wasn't really surprised but that definitely didn't help me feel any better. "That sounds great baby! Who all went to the club with y'all?" I listened as he rattled off a bunch of names and I continued snooping. Just as he began to ask me what I was doing I saw it: a red lip stick stain on his shirt. I think I went into shock after that because, while I was looking for something I think I had tricked myself into thinking that this was not on the list of possibilities when I knew, deep down, that it was. I was so shocked I couldn't even say anything. I just dropped his shirt and walked off while he called for me from the shower. All I kept thinking was, "How stupid can you be? He's a rapper, cheating is in the job description." He continued to call for me but I was already making my way to the kitchen to pour myself a stiff drink. I did three shots of vodka before he walked into the kitchen, still in his towel, with the most guilty look on his face. "What's wrong?" He asked, trying to play dumb. "What's wrong, what's wrong? That's all you have to say?! Do you think I'm that stupid?!" My shock was quickly being replaced by vodka fueled rage, "You fucking cheated on me! That's what's wrong Colson!" I yelled as I moved closer to him until he was backed up against the wall. "I didn't cheat on you! Well at least I don't think I did." He mumbled the last part, scratching the back of his neck. "Two things: one, if you have to think about it then obviously there is a problem; two, if a woman, who isn't me, was close enough to you to get lipstick on your collar then there's no question." I said as I got in his face a little more. "Baby, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to; it was a mistake!" He pleaded but it did him no good. "You didn't mean to?! What exactly did you mean to do when you went out last night and got high on coke without me?!" I was back to yelling again but I was still as in his face as I could get; he's 6'4 and I'm 5' even so it was no easy feat. "I wasn't planning on doing that but everyone else was doing it so..." I cut him off before he could even finish, "If everyone else jumped off a bridge would you? Are you seriously that weak that you can't even deal with a little peer pressure?! You ruined our whole relationship because you couldn't go without coke for one night!" I was livid and in dire need of a shot which I drank straight from the bottle before continuing my speech, "You know what? I don't even give a fuck! I mean, you obviously didn't give one last night so why should I give one now?! I'll just go upstairs, pack my shit and leave!" I yelled as I slammed the bottle down on the counter and made my way up the stairs. I guess Colson was in shock because his reaction was severely delayed, "no baby, please don't do this! You know I love you and I'm sorry, so so so sorry, y/n please don't leave." I silently thanked myself for taking those shots because they were the only thing keeping me from caving in at that point. I side stepped him and made my way to our closet where I started to throw all my clothes into bags. "Babe, you know you don't wanna do this so don't! Just put down the bag and come to bed with me." He begged. It was almost too much for me as I heard his voice break and I knew I was about to have to be an even bigger bitch to him. He might've cheated but that didn't mean I wanted to be the one making him cry, "God dammit Colson! Of course I don't want to do this! I wanted to spend forever with you but you obviously didn't want the same so you do you and I'll just leave. I'm not gonna sit here and be cheated on over and over again!" I yelled from my spot on the floor. He looked so shocked at the fact that I knew he had cheated. "You knew?" He asked quietly. "Yeah, I did and I tried to ignore it but it keeps happening and I can't deal with it anymore." I said calmly as I zipped up my bags and hauled them out to the bedroom. "I'm gonna change, go tell Casie bye and then I'm outta here." I said as a grabbed clothes and locked myself in the bathroom. I let a few tears out but no where near as many as I wanted to. I came out, laid my robe on our, well his, bed and then walked down the hall to Casie's room. She was still asleep thankfully so it wasn't too hard but I still cried a little at the thought of not seeing her everyday. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and then went and grabbed my bags and made my way to the front door; Colson silently following me every step of they way. I didn't say anything as I reached for the knob but then He started to speak, "You don't have to do this, You know I, we both, love you." That was almost too much for me and the fact that he was trying to guilt me into staying, by throwing Casie into all this, sent me over the edge. I slammed my bags down and spun on my heel before I started, "Are you fucking kidding me Colson?!" I yelled at him. "No I'm not fucking kidding you y/n! We both love you and need you here!" He really yelled at me for the first time that morning. "Don't bring her into this! Don't try to guilt me into staying by hanging Casie over my head! You know I love her and I love you too but I can't do this anymore!" I yelled right back, our voices echoing through the huge house. "I wasn't trying to hold her over your head and you fucking know it so don't even start that shit!" He was starting to loose his sad puppy look and was slowly turning into rage with every word he spoke. "Yes you were Colson! Don't sit here and lie to me like that! I think you've done enough lying for one morning!" I screamed at him. He started clinching and unflinching his first and I could tell he was about to snap. I never worried about him hitting me but when he looked me dead in the eyes and started walking towards me I was terrified. Colson on coke is a totally different person and I didn't even have time to react before he swung his fist and hit the wall beside my head, leaving a hole. He'd put me through a lot of shit throughout our relationship but that was the last straw for me. I calmly picked up my bags and reached for the knob; this time there was no protest. I walked outside, shut the door behind me, drove for about 5 miles, then pulled over and cried for about an hour. I had just lost everything I loved in the span of an hour and it wasn't even my fault that I lost it. A person can only put up with so much; I love Kells but I had been through enough. I made a vow to myself right then and there that I would never speak to him again but I couldn't bring myself to delete his contact. I tried my damnedest; I stared at it for days but it did me no good. I would always love him and I wasn't ready to let all of him go yet. So, I left the contact but told myself I would never use it and I tried to go about my life as if I wasn't missing a huge part of my heart.

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