Chapter 6

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Logan's POV

The doctor came in and told us that Patton could leave. The nurse left the room and when Patton wasn't looking, she winked at me all flirty like! How DARE SHE! Patton must have noticed that I was mad because he asked me if I was OK. "Um... yes Patton, I am adequate." "No your not, what happened?" Patton asked me with the cutest most innocent eyes ever. I couldn't lie to that face. Nor could I tell him. Fuck emotions... "Nothing. So how about we get out of this place?" I desperately tried to change the subject. "Ok! Besides," he smiled, Jesus that smile! "I'm really hungry!" I smiled.

I helped him out of the bed he was lying in. He thanked me and headed to the door. I noticed a paper fall out of his pocket and picked it up. I was trying to decide whether or not to open and read whatever was inside it. I thought it would most likely do no harm if I read it. With what I could understand, I gasped inaudibly. I probably wasn't supposed to see that. I quickly refolded it and handed it to Patton. "Hey, I think you dropped this..." I muttered. "Oh thanks!" He said gleefully, but he and anxiety in his eyes.

Once we got outside, Patton texted Roman and asked if he could pick us up, he said he was a bit busy at the moment but would pick us up in a few. Patton tucked his phone in his pocket. He grabbed my arm and dragged me over to a near by bench.

I saw Patton shiver from the corner of my eye and could immediately tell that he was cold, as it was quite nippy outside, due to how late it was. Patton subconsciously leaned on my shoulder. He had dark circles surrounding his eyes, the circles being almost as dark as Virgil's eyeshadow. He must not have had a good rest while he was out...

Not really being able to stop myself, I put my arm around Patton's shoulders, trying to compress a shiver that I had, as well as a genuine smile. I felt at ease hugging this boy. I knew there were others that would want to be in a relationship with me, but when I met this boy, I could immediately tell that he was the one for me.

A few more minutes of me and Patton waiting on a bench and we saw a black mercedes pull up. The windows rolled down and we saw Roman wearing sunglasses. Patton and I walked toward the car and both got in. Patton sat in the passenger seat and I sat in the back, leaning forward and deciding that I didn't need to put on a seatbelt.

Roman started driving and I decided to say something so it wouldn't be so quiet. "Roman, you do not need to have on sunglasses, it is dark out, if anything, they're making it to where you can't or almost can't see anything. There was no need for them." I stated, matter of factly. The tall boy just smiled and laughed.

Once we had gotten home, the three of us went to sit on the small couch in the living room. Roman smirked at us with his dark orbs. "So," he drew out the 'o' in the word. I could tell he was getting at something. "I saw you two cuddling on that bench outside of the hospital...~" Me and Patton both blushed at this. Roman just closed his eyes with a smug look on his face. Me and the shorter boy were speechless. We didn't know what to say! I mean, would you? (*Pulls Logan out of the sene and scolds him for breaking the forth wall*) After a minute of silence that felt like hours, Roman suddenly broke down in laughter. I was sure the neighbors could hear. "Guys it's ok! I was just messing with you! Your fine! It was a bit cold outside so I'm not surprised that you two would cuddle to try and keep warm!" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Ok, so. Hi! I'm back! I've had this chapter written for a while but I never proof-read it until now because I'm lazy 😎. And, *sigh* as promised...I'll do a face reveal soon... I just wanna warn you guys, I look ugly 😂. If you want me to do a face reveal after the next chapter, comment! I understand if you can't, heck I can't comment on books cause I can't put in my email because I only have one email and I used it for a different account, and, frankly, I'm too lazy to make a new one 😂. (If all that even made sense)  So if your in that situation, I understand. And also, I hope you like the meme I posted ÙwÚ. Until next time kiddos! Bye bye!

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