Look at Me - Seokjin

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Seokjin walked downstairs and looked around. No one was up but it was already noon. 

The man walked into the kitchen, made himself some tea and walked back into the living room, sitting down on the couch. 

"Jinnie?" A voice called. Seokjin looked up and saw his girlfriend on the steps. She was wearing one of his white t-shirts and a pair of shorts. 

"Y/N. Do you want some tea?" He asked as he looked down. Y/N shook her head no and sat down next to Seokjin, wrapping herself around the man cautiously as to not spill the tea in his hands. 

"Did you sleep well?" She whispered into the silent living room. Seokjin nodded with a soft smile. 

"Did you?" Y/N nodded and yawned before looking up with a small. 

"Can we go out today?" She asked and Seokjin nodded. 

"Of course. Where do you want to go?" Y/N hummed in thought for a second before smiling again. 

"How about we go get lunch and then... the rest is a surprise!" She squealed as she jumped off the couch and ran up the steps to go and get dressed.  

She came back downstairs with her hair in a tight ponytail with a pretty cute outfit. 

"How do I look?" Y/N asked as she giggled, spinning around twice. Seokjin stood up and walked towards the girl before hugging her softly. 

"Beautiful, Y/N." He smiled before kissing the top of the girl's head and went upstairs to that he could get dressed.

Y/N sat on the couch as she waited for her boyfriend to come back downstairs. In the meantime, she texted Seokjin's friends. 

<Phone (Y/N's contact names)> 

Y/N: Hey guys! We're going out today! 
Jinnie-Oppa: Yup, we are! 
Jiminie: Oh. Where are you guys going?
Y/N: It's a surprise. ;) 
Yoongi: Guys, I'm trying to sleep. 
Y/N: Sorry Yoongs! Bye guys!  

<Real Life> 

Y/N chuckled as she put her phone down. That was definitely Yoongi. 

"You ready to go?" Seokjin asked. Y/N looked up and smiled with a small nod as she stood up. 

Since it was a nice day, the couple took a forty-minute walk into town and found a nice cafe to have lunch at. 

<After Lunch> 

Y/N pulled Seokjin out of the small cafe and further into town and some shops. Once Seokjin managed to pull Y/N out of the jewellery shop she ran into seconds before, he pulled her into an ice cream shop. 

"What flavour do you want?" Seokjin asked, glancing over the labels and the different colours of ice cream that were displayed. 

"Any." Y/N shrugged and looked around the shop. It was decorated in bright colours and it seemed to be new as not so many people were in it and it was one of the hottest days of the year. 

By the time Y/N turned back around, Seokjin was already paying for three ice cream sundaes. 

"Why three?" Y/N raised an eyebrow as Seokjin flashed a smile.

"I eat a lot." Y/N laughed aloud at that and Seokjin rolled his eyes, leading the girl over to a table. 

The pair sat down and started to eat as Y/N looked out the window. 

"Y/N? Look at me for a second." Seokjin poked the girl's head and she turned. Seokjin's eyes softened and a small smile of fondness came onto his face. "As I predicted." Seokjin chuckled. "You have ic cream all over your face." 

Y/N smiled in a silly way and wiped her face with some tissues she had fished out of her pockets. 

The pair finished their ice creams and left. 

"Where to now?" Seokjin asked, snaking his arms to Y/N's waist and pulling her closer as some guys started to gawk at her. 

"It's a surprise!" She giggled before pulling the boy quickly along. 

The pair was walking for hours and hours until they finally got to the local beach that was now empty. 

"Of course, the beach." Seokjin smiled and took his shoes off. Y/N copied the boy and they walked onto the cold sand. Y/N smiled as she looked at the ocean. It was something that had always calmed her down; the sound of waves. 

Seokjin stood quietly beside her as he observed what the girl was going to do. 

Before Seokjin could react and catch the girl, she ran into the ocean at full speed while laughing her lungs out. Seokjin smirked to himself and ran after the girl. 

He caught the girl in the waves and spun her around. Once he let her go, she splashed water all over his shirt and trousers. Seokjin grinned and nodded. 

"Fine." He smirked and started to chase the girl around the beach. 


These just get worse and worse...   

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