Chapter one "come on"

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     "Come on we're going to be late." I'm in my bed getting yelled at by my master to get up. Today we have school.                             

     Hello my name is Ray. I'm like half wolf and half human. People look at me differently but I can't blame them. I have two wolf ears and a fluffy tale and I can change into a wolf so it's kind of hard not to look at me different. I have one job to do and that is to protect my master. Her name is Sky.

We haft to stay with our master but things are changing. At least I hope. We can go to school now. But we haft to stay with our masters. We have to take a test a very long test. The test is to see if we are able to go to school.

We're not allowed to leave our master. We can't buy things. We can't get a job. We really can't do any thing by ourselves. We leave our parents when we're young. I don't even know what my parents look like.

I can kinda remember what my mom looks like. I think she had like blue eyes and gray and and black hair. I don't think I have any sisters or brothers.

I was put in an Adoption Center when I was really young. I think I was about 3 or 4. I tried to escape a couple of times but it never worked. I hated it there. But then Sky came. They took me and I became apart of their family. I got sick for a little bit because of the adoption center. I had some type of Disease. I was coughing and puking like crazy. I had tubes put into to me. We where scared that I wouldn't make it. I'm ok know luckily.

       I'm hoping just one day we can live equally just like people do. Do the same things as them. Like have a family, go to work , buy things on our own , and be able to live our own life.

      Ok so this chapter is really short but I'm trying and I just started so hope you guys like it.

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