She's a good girl, she's such a good girl

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Fiona Rockwell was one of the unlucky (or lucky depending on how you see it) 43 children born on October 1, 1989. She found her power at the early age of 6 years old in the garden. She was playing hide and seek with her best friend Angie, they were chasing each other and then Angie tripped on a rock and twisted her ankle. It began to swell up immediately and the girls were getting frantic, they didn't want to go to the hospital. The blonde touched her ankle and Angie flinched, but Fiona wrapped her little hands around her ankle and begged to whatever was out there to fix her ankle.

Her hazel eyes were shut so she didn't see it but Angie said her hands turned a bright yellow and then her ankle didn't hurt anymore. She ran into the house and told her parents about what they had just discovered.

Fiona's parents looked at each other with worry, there had been news about children born the same way as Fiona having powers and being taken by that man. They were worried about her safety so they told her to keep it secret.

And for a while, she didn't understand and it upset her immensely. She had a gift, a wonderful gift and she wasn't allowed to share it with the world. She wasn't allowed to test the limits of her abilities.

But after Claire was born and Fiona had gotten a little more mature, she had heard her parents have a conversation.

"Another one?" Her father Eric asked.

"Yes, just off the street. I'm so worried, And Angie's mom called me earlier to say she thinks she's been using them at their house." Trudy Rockwell cried.

"I'll talk to her, she'll understand. She has to." Her father embraced his wife.

It was true, she had been using her powers but it was like an itch she had to scratch. After that she decided she wouldn't use her powers, they didn't exist.

But she still felt the need to help people, to heal people. So she very quickly decided to become a doctor. Hence her current position as head doctor in the ER, she gets to help tons of people every day. Yes, it's laborious work but she enjoys every second of it. She hated to admit it but occasionally she would use her power to help a child or an elderly person, she just couldn't help herself.

In a job like hers you meet new and different people every day, she loved it. She was a people person and people couldn't help but get put under her spell. Everyone always left the ER with a smile on their face, Fiona just did that to people. There wasn't anything she wouldn't do to help a person in need, she'd gotten in trouble at the hospital a lot for bending the rules to help a patient. There were people she was used to seeing in there like the irresponsible parents, young adults, druggies, etc.

But she remembers the days she met the Hargreeves' well. Fiona met Klaus after she had to pump his stomach, he had taken a concoction of prescription medication.

"Where am I?" The curly-haired man asked.

"In truth, I'm very surprised that you're alive Mister Hargreeves," Fiona said disapprovingly.

"No, pretty lady. Please don't be mad at me." Klaus pursed his lips.

"We have you on a drip but I would really appreciate it if you would drink some water." She smiled at him and he couldn't help but pick up the plastic cup and take a sip.

"I'll come back and check on you in another 30, you'll survive without me right?" Fiona pulled her hair higher.

"I'll try pretty doctor lady." Klaus saluted her.

She'd tend to him quite frequently after that, sadly. She wished she could help him more, Klaus obviously had deeper wounds that needed healing. She could see it in his eyes, those sad blue eyes.

She met Diego on a Black Friday, it wasn't unusual for the ER to be busy. And it wasn't unusual that people got in little scuffles but when she saw bruised and beaten up Diego on the hospital bed she was shocked. A black eye, bloody nose, split cheek, and a swollen lip- not even begin to mention the damage his body took. She looked at his chart again, Diego Hargreeves. Hargreeves? Klaus?

"Hargreeves?" Fiona asked. "May I ask what happened here?"

"Yeah, you should see the other guy." Diego tried to say with a smug look but failed, it hurt too much.

"I'm actually afraid to if it's worse than this," she reached for his cheek but retracted her hand.

"Asshole had a 14-year-old, 14," Diego said disgustedly. "I couldn't just wait around for the police to come, I just couldn't, I may or may have not gotten out of control but I was giving the whole speech and he got me." He gestured to himself.

"Well, let me get started." She put on some gloves and began to clean up his face before she stitched up his cheek. "I feel like I should X-Ray you, just to be sure."

"I'm sure I'm fine," he tried to get up but winced in pain.

"I'll go with you, would that help?" She asked.

"I can't afford to have a broken, well a broken anything. There's still pieces of shit like that asshole out there." Diego said with frustration.

"That's why we're getting the X-Ray, Sadie can you help me take Mr. Hargreeves to the sixth floor?" Fiona asked a nurse nearby.

"Please call me Diego," he winced as the bed's wheel hit something.

He had a broken rib, just as she thought. He wasn't going to take the news well but thanks to some heavy pain meds he was kind of loopy. They got him a room and she asked to be left alone with him.

"Diego?" She shook his shoulder.

"No, mommy. Five more minutes." He was dozing off.

"Hold still," she pressed on his rib cage and he wiggled under her touch.

"Ouch, that hurts." He mumbled.

Her hands lit up for a couple of seconds and then it stopped. She peeled the black long sleeve up to his torso and looked at his rib cage, not even a bruise. She could use it on his face as well but then it'd be too sketchy.

"Please be more careful Diego." She combed his hair away before walking away.

Klaus loved Fiona, she was always so kind to him no matter what he was on, what he did or said to her while high, she was always there with a smile. He knew she was single and had been for a while and he always reminded her that she was hot and that if she wasn't his doctor he'd be all over her. Diego on the other hand, he made her stomach do flips. Only she and Donna knew about the way number 2 affected her.

When he came into the ER Fiona wouldn't stop talking about him and she had this glow to her. Donna would tell her to just make a move but Fiona would be there to remind her that he was her patient.

"So why does he have your number?" Donna would sass over the phone.

"That's not fair, Klaus has my number too." Fiona reasoned.

"Just marry him already." Donna teased.

"I thought we were getting married," She started getting another call. "We'll finish this later."

She switched calls.



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