Chapter 12

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Rachel woke up close to nine o’clock on Christmas morning to the smell of bacon wafting into her room. She followed the smell downstairs. Nana wore a red apron with a Christmas tree sewn on the front. Papa, as always, wore a plaid flannel shirt. Blueberry pancakes, bacon, omelets, hash browns, fruit, and cinnamon rolls were spread across the kitchen counters and tables. The feast looked ready for consumption. 

“When’s breakfast? This looks incredible,” Rachel asked.

“As soon as your sleepyhead aunt and uncle make their way downstairs. I think I heard some rumblings upstairs, so hopefully they come soon. I’m hungry,” Papa said.

“Great. So we are opening our presents after breakfast?”

“Yes. Breakfast first,” Nana said.

“Works for me!”

“Merry Christmas!” Kate walked into the kitchen with a Santa hat on her head. 

“Merry Christmas!”

“Joe will be down in a minute or two. Need help with anything? This looks great!” Kate said.

“No, we are all set. Take a seat at the table.” 

Joe entered the kitchen two minutes later wearing an elf hat and bright green sweatpants. Rachel laughed at his outfit as he sat down at the table. Nana said a quick grace, and Papa started passing the dishes. Rachel loaded her plate with one of everything. She first took a bite of the blueberry pancake, her favorite breakfast item, and gobbled it up before eating the rest of her giant plate of food. She knew she would have a hard time getting out of her chair after breakfast. 

Rachel listened to the casual conversation around the table. She noticed Kate was quiet, too, and focused on the food in front of her. Rachel was similar to Kate in the mornings. They both needed an extra hour of being awake before conversation came naturally to them. Joe, on the other hand, was wide-awake. Papa and Joe carried on a conversation about trucks with Nana adding in her two cents here and there. Rachel grinned at Kate, and they piled more food on their plates. 

The family gathered around the Christmas tree in the living room after breakfast. The Christmas gifts were sparse compared to the years when Rachel was in elementary school, but everyone still had plenty of presents to open. Rachel always was the first to open a present. In the Brandt home, the youngest present was the first to open a gift. As Rachel looked for the first present to open, she realized this was the last year for her to be the first to open a present. Next year, her niece or nephew would be first.

Rachel decided to start big and found her largest present to open. The present from Kate and Joe was rectangular in shape and wrapped in penguin-covered wrapping paper. She ripped the wrapping paper off and opened the generic cardboard box. The box was filled with bubble wrap. She searched the bubble wrap to find a small envelope. Inside was a gift card to the mall. She wasn’t surprised that Kate and Joe had wrapped a gift card up in a big box. They always creatively wrapped their gifts so Rachel wouldn’t be able to guess what was inside the box. 

Joe was the next youngest. He opened a present next, then Kate, Nana, and Papa each opened one in turn. The circle continued until all the presents were opened. Rachel received a new board game, a few shirts, and a new pair of jeans as well as another gift card. 

Rachel’s favorite gift was an envelope that Kate received in her stocking. Kate opened the envelope expecting a gift card. Instead, it was the real estate page from the local newspaper, along with a realtor’s business card. Kate read the note written on the back of the business card, “In Chicago you don’t have free babysitters.” 

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