The Beginning

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"Aaaaaaaah" I screamed after been sat on by my big brother Ken, who was busy laughing, while I was pleading for help. "Will you get up and go to school now " Then I tried to find a way out but then he started to bounce on me again that's when I had to bring down my ego. "Yeeees I'll go to school now". "Good, can you get off me now?". "Oh sure thing ". Then he finally got off me and he said " Emma, Jason and Bella are already here". Then he finally left my room. So I got up removed my night gown and I ran into the bathroom to freshen up.

After 15 minutes I finally got out, wore a black tank top, white ripped jeans and my Jordan's. So I took my school bag with my glasses and I went down stairs to see my two best friends talk about something. "Hi, guys" I said. "What took you so long?" Jason said, and Bella backed him up with a face that says' I am going to kill you'. "Well you guys know that I don't like school, so don't blame me". Then Bella said "Girl, who likes school, so you don't have any excuse ". damn,i hate the fact that I can't lie. "And it's already 8:30 , let's go" then Bella and I both nodded our heads .

Then we entered Jason's range rover after a thirty minute drive we parked at Jason's reserved parking area at school. Well my best friend's are part of the popular people in school but I'm not and sometimes I wonder why there still friend's with me. So we got down from the car to see people gossiping and staring mostly on me. Because well am the nerd. So we entered the school to still see people giving me the looks that says 'I don't belong with them' so then Bella notice me feeling scared.

So she said " Hey, forget about them looks it's only us in this school for now okay". I loved the feeling that she always had a way to make me calm.

Then I noticed Xavier Woods leading against my locker and kissing a girl or should I say mouthing a girl . Then Jason said "I'll see you later then ".

" Bye Jason and bye Emma see you guys " I hate that we don't have first period together.
"Bye guys" I said in a whisper and now I have to deal with the handsome play boy of my school that I've been crushing on since first year.

Then I walked over to my locker and I was thinking about how I was going to tell them to leave my locker.

I sighed and said "umm,excuse me but I need to use my locker " they didn't leave so I had to say it again. They still didn't leave so I got angry and shouted " Can you two please stop mouthing each other for once!".

That's when my world changed for good.

Author note:
Hey, there
Emma Stone:
Xavier Woods:
Ken Stone:
Bella Green
Jason Cunningham

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