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Around 6 I called Scott, "So, leave now and we'll meet ya there. We're seeing a scary movie so bring extra underwear." He chuckled.

"Will do." I hung up and started to get ready.
I held onto the railing as I went down the stairs, carefully making sure to place my foot on the next stair.

"Hey mom."

"Hi sweetie. Where are you going?"

"Travis, Kirstin, and I are going to a movie. We made a new friend."

"A new friend?"

"His name is Scott. He started yesterday."

"Well, have fun." She slipped 20 bucks in my wallet and I heard Travis' horn go off.

"See ya later mom."

"Bye." She kissed me on the cheek before I opened the door. Travis held out his arm and walked me to his car. Once I got in, I blared Beyoncé.


When we got to the mall, Kirstin and Scott were there already.

"Hey guys." Travis said.

"Hi lovebirds." Kirstin said, sarcastically but secretly meaning it.

We got our tickets and went into the theater. I sat by Travis and Kirstin. Scott on the right side of Kirst.
I tried to listen to what the movie was explaining but I got lost somewhere, "Travis?" I whispered.


"What's happening? I'm lost."

He chuckled and explained everything. I caught on for a little bit but got lost again. I didn't ask Travis for help and I just stopped paying attention.

I felt around for Travis' hand. I couldn't find it, then I felt a cold hand grab mine, "Gotcha."

I smiled and leaned over. He kissed me.

After the movie, we all just walked around. I was holding onto Travis' hand. He would slightly pull away sometimes, but I would just grab tighter. But then I didn't have a chance to grab tighter. I didn't feel a hand in mine. I started to panic.

"Travis?" There was no response, "Kirstin, Scott?" Nothing. I was starting to have a panic attack. This happened one time before when I lost my mom in the grocery store. I sat down on the ground crying until she found me. I was 6.

I decided sitting down and crying wasn't an option here. I wasn't 6. I was 16. I felt around to try and find an object to hold onto, "Can someone help me?"

"What's wrong?" It was a woman's voice.

"I'm lost. I'm here with my friends and now I don't know where they are."

"They couldn't have gone too far."

"Ma'am. I can't see." She gasped and realized I was blind.

"I'm so sorry. Here," she lead me over to a chair, "What's your name?"


"Who are you here with?"

"My friend, Kirstin, and my other friend Scott. And also my boyfriend, Travis. I was holding my boyfriend's hand and then he let go and I don't know where they are."

"Do you have a cellphone?"

"Yes." I grabbed my phone and handed it to the woman.

"Who should I call?"


"Okay." I heard the dialing tone and then it stopped, "Is this Kirstin? I'm here with your friend, Mitch. He says he can't see and he lost you. Uh huh. Okay," She handed me my phone back, "They're in the bathrooms. Hold onto my arm and I'll help you find them." I grabbed her arm and she led me to my friends. Travis was so dead.

"Mitch! Travis said he brought you to the bathrooms too." Kirstin ran up to me and hugged me.

"Well he didn't," I turned to the lady and thanked her. Kirstin nudged me when I heard a door open, "Travis. Get over here."


"You let go of my hand you asshole!"

"Mitch, calm down."

"No. I had to stand by myself, when I can't fucking see Travis! You're my boyfriend, you're supposed to help me."

He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me in for a hug. I cried on his shoulder, "I was scared."

"Shhh. I know. I'm so sorry, Mitch. I love you."

"I love you too," I pulled out of the hug, "Don't ever do that again."

"Got it." He kissed me and we continued on.


I didn't understand how Travis didn't realize he left Mitch behind. I got the feeling he did it on purpose but I didn't want to assume anything. I said my goodbyes and left.

I got home and found my mom on the couch, "Hey ma."

"Hi Scotty. Did you have fun?"

"I did. My friends and I went to see a scary movie. It wasn't that scary." I chuckled.

"I bet. Who did you go with?"

"Kirstin, Mitch, and Travis. Travis isn't so much my friend but he's Mitch's, friend. So I have to get used to him."

"Why is Travis only Mitch's friend?"

"He's everyone else's friend, but Mitch's," I paused. I don't know how my mom would feel about Mitch being gay. I was still in the closet, "Boyfriend."

"So, Mitch is..."

"Yes. Mitch is gay."

"You have a guy that's gay as your friend?"

"Yes, mom. I do."

"I see." She returned her eyes back to the TV, and that was the end of that conversation.

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